This illustration shows a Paris Gargoyle in France. Gargoyles, in Gothic architecture, are spouts projecting…
This illustration shows a Lincoln Gargoyle. Gargoyles (featured primarily in in Gothic architecture)…
This illustration shows a section of a human kidney (A, Cortical substance; B, Pyramids; C, Hilum; D,…
This illustration shows a section on the knee (A, Femur; B, Tibia; C, Patella; D, Synovial sac; E, bursæ).…
This illustration shows a lateral aspect of the larynx and its multiple parts (A. Thyroid Cartilage;…
This illustration shows a vertical section of the larynx and its many parts (A. Thyroid Cartilage; B.…
This illustration shows the vocal cords, seen from above during quiet breathing (A. Thyroid Cartilage;…
Moloch (or Mo'lech) is the name of an ancient deity which was worshipped by the Ammonites. The Israelites…
This illustration shows a human leg (front view), and comparative diagrams showing modifications of…
This illustration shows a front view of a human leg. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA.…
This illustration shows a side view of a human leg. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA.…
This illustration shows the leg of an Ox. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT.…
This illustration shows the leg of a bird. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…
This illustration shows the leg of a frog. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…
This illustration shows the leg of a crocodile. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…
This illustration shows the leg of a seal. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…
This illustration shows the leg of a dog. This leg is digitigrade. Animals with digitigrade legs walk…
This illustration shows the plantigrade leg of a bear. Plantigrade means that the animal walks flat…
Ashtaroth, or Astarte, was among the idols of Syria; this medal shows she was worshiped in Jerusalem.…
A coin of Hostilianus, with a figure standing with a blunt spear in his right hand and a human head…
Common mushroom (agaricus campestris). A, young fructification on mycelium, in section; b, c, later…
Bashforth Chronograph. A, flywheel turning cylinder B on which the record is marked; C, toothed wheel…
Coconut palm. A, section of fruit; a, husk; b, shell; c, albumin; d, cavity; e, embryo; f, aperture…