"Lanceolate, when it is three or more times as long as it is broad, and rounded at the base, and tapering at the apex."—Darby, 1855

Lanceolate Leaf

"Lanceolate, when it is three or more times as long as it is broad, and rounded at the base, and tapering…

A kidney-shaped leaf.

Reniform Leaf

A kidney-shaped leaf.

A leaf which is broad at the apex, and gradually tapering into the petiole.

Spathulate Leaf

A leaf which is broad at the apex, and gradually tapering into the petiole.

A cordate leaf has the base rounded in the shape of a heart.

Cordate Leaf

A cordate leaf has the base rounded in the shape of a heart.

A nearly circular leaf.

Orbicular Leaf

A nearly circular leaf.

"Peltate, with the petiole inserted in the lamina, but not in the center of it."—Darby, 1855

Peltate Leaf

"Peltate, with the petiole inserted in the lamina, but not in the center of it."—Darby, 1855

A leaf in the shape of an awl.

Subulate Leaf

A leaf in the shape of an awl.

A leaf in the shape of an arrow-head.

Sagittate Leaf

A leaf in the shape of an arrow-head.

A wedge-shaped leaf, tapering gradually to the base.

Cuneate Leaf

A wedge-shaped leaf, tapering gradually to the base.

"Perfiolate leaf, caused by the union of two opposite leaves."—Darby, 1855

Perfiolate Leaf

"Perfiolate leaf, caused by the union of two opposite leaves."—Darby, 1855

"Perfiolate leaf, caused by the union of the lobes of the leaves."—Darby, 1855

Perfiolate Leaf

"Perfiolate leaf, caused by the union of the lobes of the leaves."—Darby, 1855

A leaf which has the lobes at the base.

Auriculate Leaf

A leaf which has the lobes at the base.

A leaf shaped like a foot.

Pedate Leaf

A leaf shaped like a foot.

Also known as Dolabriform. A leaf in the shape of an axe.

Hatchet-Shaped Leaf

Also known as Dolabriform. A leaf in the shape of an axe.

A scimitar-shaped leaf.

Acinaciform Leaf

A scimitar-shaped leaf.

A leaf where the terminal lobe is the largest among the lobes.

Lyrate Leaf

A leaf where the terminal lobe is the largest among the lobes.

A leaf which resembles a hand spreading its fingers.

Digitate Leaf

A leaf which resembles a hand spreading its fingers.

When divided, the leaf resembles a hand.

Palmate Leaf

When divided, the leaf resembles a hand.

A leaf where the depressions are broad at the bottom.

Sinuate-Lobed Leaf

A leaf where the depressions are broad at the bottom.

A feather-like leaf with multi-divided features.

Pinnate Leaf

A feather-like leaf with multi-divided features.

A leaf where the lobes go near to the middle.

Pinnatifid Leaf

A leaf where the lobes go near to the middle.

"Ruccinate, when the divisions of a pinnatifid leaf are more or less triangular, and pointing downwards."—Darby, 1855

Ruccinate Leaf

"Ruccinate, when the divisions of a pinnatifid leaf are more or less triangular, and pointing downwards."—Darby,…

A leaf in the shape of a fan.

Fan-Shaped Leaf

A leaf in the shape of a fan.

A leaf in the shape of a comb.

Pectinate Leaf

A leaf in the shape of a comb.

A leaf with double the amount of feather-like leaves.

Bipinnate Leaf

A leaf with double the amount of feather-like leaves.

A leaf with triple the amount of feather-like leaves.

Tripinnate Leaf

A leaf with triple the amount of feather-like leaves.

A leaf with three leaflets.

Ternate Leaf

A leaf with three leaflets.

A leaf with three leaflets subdivided into three different sections.

Biternate Leaf

A leaf with three leaflets subdivided into three different sections.

A floral capital S with an ornate leaf.

Capital Letter S

A floral capital S with an ornate leaf.

A decorative capital T with ornate leaves and pine cones decorating it.

Capital Letter T

A decorative capital T with ornate leaves and pine cones decorating it.

A floral capital letter N with leaves.

Floral Capital N

A floral capital letter N with leaves.

A capital letter A with a leafy decoration.

Leafy Capital A

A capital letter A with a leafy decoration.

A capital letter S with a leafy background.

Leafy Capital S

A capital letter S with a leafy background.

A capital letter T with a leafy background.

Leafy Letter T

A capital letter T with a leafy background.

A perennial thistle with arching green leaves and edible flowers.


A perennial thistle with arching green leaves and edible flowers.

A species of sunflower cultivated for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.

Jerusalem Artichoke

A species of sunflower cultivated for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.

A woody perennial herb with fragrant needle-like leaves.


A woody perennial herb with fragrant needle-like leaves.

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.

Bath Cos Lettuce

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.

A variety of spinach.

Arlington Pointed Leaf

A variety of spinach.

Six leaves.

Six Leaves

Six leaves.

Four leaves.

Four Leaves

Four leaves.

Two leaves.

Two Leaves

Two leaves.

Also known as Pinus monophylla. The pine cone of a Single-leaf Pinyon.

Pine Cone of Single-Leaf Pinyon

Also known as Pinus monophylla. The pine cone of a Single-leaf Pinyon.

Also known as Populus tremuloides. A species of tree native to the cooler areas of North America.

Quaking Aspen

Also known as Populus tremuloides. A species of tree native to the cooler areas of North America.

Also known as Populus deltoides. The branch of an Eastern Cottonwood, native throughout the eastern, central, and southwestern United States.

Branch of Eastern Cottonwood

Also known as Populus deltoides. The branch of an Eastern Cottonwood, native throughout the eastern,…

Also known as Populus fremontii. The branch of a Fremont Cottonwood tree, native to western North America.

Branch of Fremont Cottonwood

Also known as Populus fremontii. The branch of a Fremont Cottonwood tree, native to western North America.

The branch of a Populus wislizeni, a species of cottonwood tree.

Branch of Populus Wislizeni

The branch of a Populus wislizeni, a species of cottonwood tree.

Also known as Salix nigra. The branch of a Black Willow tree, native to eastern North America.

Branch of Black Willow

Also known as Salix nigra. The branch of a Black Willow tree, native to eastern North America.

The branch of a Salix longipes tree, a species of willow.

Branch of Salix Longipes

The branch of a Salix longipes tree, a species of willow.

Also known as Salix amygdaloides. The branch of a Peachleaf Willow tree, native to southern Canada and northern United States.

Branch of Peachleaf Willow

Also known as Salix amygdaloides. The branch of a Peachleaf Willow tree, native to southern Canada and…

Also known as Salix laevigata. The branch of a Red Willow tree, native to Pacific Coastal California.

Branch of Red Willow

Also known as Salix laevigata. The branch of a Red Willow tree, native to Pacific Coastal California.

Also known as Salix bonplandiana. The branch of a Bonpland Willow, native to southern and southwest Mexico.

Branch of Bonpland Willow

Also known as Salix bonplandiana. The branch of a Bonpland Willow, native to southern and southwest…

Also known as Salix lucida. The branch of a Pacific Willow tree, native to wetland habitats in northern and western North America.

Branch of Pacific Willow

Also known as Salix lucida. The branch of a Pacific Willow tree, native to wetland habitats in northern…

The branch of a Salix fluviatilis, a species of willow tree.

Branch of Salix Fluviatilis

The branch of a Salix fluviatilis, a species of willow tree.

The branch of a Salix sesillilifolia, a species of willow.

Branch of Salix Sesillilifolia

The branch of a Salix sesillilifolia, a species of willow.

Also known as Salix taxifolia. The branch of a Yewleaf Willow, native to southern Mexico and the Pacific Coast.

Branch of Yewleaf Willow

Also known as Salix taxifolia. The branch of a Yewleaf Willow, native to southern Mexico and the Pacific…

The branch of a Salix balsamifera tree, a species of willow.

Branch of Salix Balsamifera

The branch of a Salix balsamifera tree, a species of willow.

Also known as Salix cordata. The branch of a Sand Dune Willow, native to northeast North America.

Branch of Sand Dune Willow

Also known as Salix cordata. The branch of a Sand Dune Willow, native to northeast North America.

Also known as Salix lasiolepis. The branch of an Arroyo Willow tree, native to western and southwestern North America.

Branch of Arroyo Willow

Also known as Salix lasiolepis. The branch of an Arroyo Willow tree, native to western and southwestern…

The branch of a Salix missouriensis, a species of willow.

Branch of Salix Missouriensis

The branch of a Salix missouriensis, a species of willow.