The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The plant grows between three and six feet tall. This plant is native to the West Indies.

Habit of Canna Indica

The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The plant grows between three and six feet tall. This…

The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The flowers are large with light yellow and red divisions. The leaves are also large and alternate along the stem.

Flowers and Leaves of Canna Indica

The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The flowers are large with light yellow and red divisions.…

Canna speciosa flowers are both yellow and red. The flowers have two petals. The lip of the flower is spotted.

Flowering Spike of Canna Speciosa

Canna speciosa flowers are both yellow and red. The flowers have two petals. The lip of the flower is…

The common name of cannabis is hemp. Cannabis sativa flowers are greenish in color and grow on long stalks. The plant can grow up to twenty feet tall. Hemp is cultivated for its fiber.

Head of Cannabis Sativa

The common name of cannabis is hemp. Cannabis sativa flowers are greenish in color and grow on long…

Cantua buxifolia flowers are funnel shaped and have a pale red color. The shrub grows to be four feet tall. This shrub is native to the Andes mountains in Peru.

Flowering Branch of Cantua Buxifolia

Cantua buxifolia flowers are funnel shaped and have a pale red color. The shrub grows to be four feet…

The common name of capparis spinosa is the common caper. The flowers are white, tinged with red on the outside. The height of the plant is three feet tall.

Flower and Bud of Capparis Spinosa

The common name of capparis spinosa is the common caper. The flowers are white, tinged with red on the…

The common name of eryngium is eryngo. Eryngium giganteum flowers are blue and oval shaped. Each stem branches in two. The plant grows between three and four feet high.

Eryngium Giganteum

The common name of eryngium is eryngo. Eryngium giganteum flowers are blue and oval shaped. Each stem…

The common name of eryngium planum is eryngo. Eryngium planum flowers are blue with round heads. There are six to eight leaves with serrated edges.

Eryngium Planum

The common name of eryngium planum is eryngo. Eryngium planum flowers are blue with round heads. There…

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erythraea diffusa flowers are a bright, deep rose. The plant grows between two and three inches tall. This plant can be found in Europe.

Flowers of Erythraea Diffusa

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erythraea diffusa flowers are a bright, deep rose. The plant…

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erthraea muhlenbergi has deep pink flowers with greenish-white stars in the center. The plant has numerous, slender branches.

Flowering Stem of Erythraea Muhlenbergi

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erthraea muhlenbergi has deep pink flowers with greenish-white…

The common name of erythrina crista-galli is the common coral-tree. This tree has bright, deep scarlet flowers. The leaves are oval shaped and the stems are woody.

Portion of Annual Herbaceous Flowering Shoot of Erythrina Crista-Galli

The common name of erythrina crista-galli is the common coral-tree. This tree has bright, deep scarlet…

The common name of erythronium dens-canis is dog's tooth violet. The flowers are a purplish-rose or whitish color. The flowers are about two inches in diameter and droop at the end of the stem.

Large White Variety of Erythronium Dens-Canis

The common name of erythronium dens-canis is dog's tooth violet. The flowers are a purplish-rose or…

Eucharis grandiflora flowers are four to five inches wide and they droop at the end of the stems. The flowers are pure white. The bulb is egg shaped with a long neck.

Leaves and Inflorescence of Eucharis Grandiflora

Eucharis grandiflora flowers are four to five inches wide and they droop at the end of the stems. The…

Eucomis punctata is native to South Africa. The flowers are green and brown. The leaves are oblong and spread from the base.

Eucomis Punctata

Eucomis punctata is native to South Africa. The flowers are green and brown. The leaves are oblong and…

The common name of euphorbia is milkwort or spurge. Euphorbia meloformis is melon shaped with greenish flowers.

Euphorbia Meloformis

The common name of euphorbia is milkwort or spurge. Euphorbia meloformis is melon shaped with greenish…

The common name of eurycles cunninghami is brisbane lily. The flowers are white. The plant grows to be one foot tall. This plant is native to Australia.

Eurycles Cunninghami

The common name of eurycles cunninghami is brisbane lily. The flowers are white. The plant grows to…

Everlasting flowers are flowers that retain their color and beauty for a long time after being cut and dried. Helichrysums are a type of everlasting flower.

Bunch of Helichrysums Everlasting Flowers

Everlasting flowers are flowers that retain their color and beauty for a long time after being cut and…

The common name of fagus sylvatica is common beech. The male flowers have drooping heads. The female flowers grow two to four together.

Branchlet of Fagus Sylvatica with Male and Female Flowers

The common name of fagus sylvatica is common beech. The male flowers have drooping heads. The female…

Fedia cornucoplae has red flowers that grow in clusters. The stem is a purplish color. The plant grows six inches tall.

Flowering Branch of Fedia Cornucoplae

Fedia cornucoplae has red flowers that grow in clusters. The stem is a purplish color. The plant grows…

The flowers of ferraria undulata are greenish brown. The leaves overlap and taper to a slim point.

Flowering Spike of Ferraria Undulata

The flowers of ferraria undulata are greenish brown. The leaves overlap and taper to a slim point.

Filbert is a shrub that produces nuts, similar to the hazelnut. Filberts can be distinguished by the extension beyond the point of the enclosed nut.

Fruiting Branchlet of Filbert

Filbert is a shrub that produces nuts, similar to the hazelnut. Filberts can be distinguished by the…

In the early spring the pollen-bearing catkins appear before the female flowers. A shows the male catkins, B shows the sessile female flowers.

Leafless Twig of Filbert

In the early spring the pollen-bearing catkins appear before the female flowers. A shows the male catkins,…

The habit of fittonia gigantea is branching and erect. The flowers are pale red. The leaves are broad with red veins.

Fittonia Gigantea

The habit of fittonia gigantea is branching and erect. The flowers are pale red. The leaves are broad…

Fontanesia fortunei flowers are pale yellow and grow in clusters at the end of each stem. The leaves are glossy green on top and a paler green on the bottom.

Flowering Branch of Fontanesia Fortunei

Fontanesia fortunei flowers are pale yellow and grow in clusters at the end of each stem. The leaves…

Forsythia suspensa is a deciduous shrub. The flowers are yellow and scattered on slender branches.

Flowering Branch of Forsythia Suspensa

Forsythia suspensa is a deciduous shrub. The flowers are yellow and scattered on slender branches.

The common name of fragaria chilensis is the chili strawberry. The flowers are white and grow on thick, silky stalks. The flower grows up to one foot high.

Fragaria Chilensis (Chili Strawberry)

The common name of fragaria chilensis is the chili strawberry. The flowers are white and grow on thick,…

The flowers of the pine strawberry are white and frow on thick stalks. The plant grows one foot high. It produces fruit.

Pine Strawberry (Fragaria Chilensis Grandiflora)

The flowers of the pine strawberry are white and frow on thick stalks. The plant grows one foot high.…

Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberry, has white flowers. The plant grows between six and twelve inches high. The flowers bloom in April and May.

Wild Strawberry

Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberry, has white flowers. The plant grows between six and twelve inches…

The common name of frankenia is sea heath. Frankenia pulverulenta flowers are red. The petals are wavy.

Flowering Branch of Frankenia Pulverulenta

The common name of frankenia is sea heath. Frankenia pulverulenta flowers are red. The petals are wavy.

Flowers of freesia refracta alba are pure white, without the orange blotches usually seen in freesia refracta. The flower has a unique fragrance.

Freesia Refracta Alba

Flowers of freesia refracta alba are pure white, without the orange blotches usually seen in freesia…

The leaves of freycinetia cumingiana spread horizontally. It is a slender grower.

Freycinetia Cumingiana

The leaves of freycinetia cumingiana spread horizontally. It is a slender grower.

The flowers of fritillaria aurea are yellow and bell shaped. There are about ten leaves per stem. The stem reaches six inches high.

Flowering Stems of Fritillaria Aurea

The flowers of fritillaria aurea are yellow and bell shaped. There are about ten leaves per stem. The…

The common name of fritillaria imperialis is the crown imperial. The flowers vary in color from yellow to red. The stem is three feet tall.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Fritillaria Imperialis

The common name of fritillaria imperialis is the crown imperial. The flowers vary in color from yellow…

The common name of fritillaria meleagris is common fritillary or snake's head. The flowers are checked with pale and dark purple. There are also white and double flowered forms of this species.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Fritillariia Meleagris

The common name of fritillaria meleagris is common fritillary or snake's head. The flowers are checked…

Fritillaria pallidiflora flowers are yellow with checkered insides. The leaves are large and are a greenish blue color. The height of the plant is nine inches.

Flowering Stem of Fritillaria Pallidiflora

Fritillaria pallidiflora flowers are yellow with checkered insides. The leaves are large and are a greenish…

Fritillaria pudica flowers are dark yellow and bell shaped. They usually grow alone on the stem, sometimes in pairs. The stem is upright and leafy.

Fritillaria Pudica

Fritillaria pudica flowers are dark yellow and bell shaped. They usually grow alone on the stem, sometimes…

Fritillaria recurva flowers are bright scarlet. Stems have one to nine flowers. The height of the plant is two feet.

Fritillaria Recurva

Fritillaria recurva flowers are bright scarlet. Stems have one to nine flowers. The height of the plant…

Fritillaria verticillata thunbergii flowers are greenish spotted with pale purple. The flowers are bell shaped and grow alone on each stem.

Flowering Stem of Fritillaria Verticillata Thunbergii

Fritillaria verticillata thunbergii flowers are greenish spotted with pale purple. The flowers are bell…

The flowers of fuchsia apetala are red and pale yellow lobes. The flowers are one and a half inches long and droop on the stem. This shrub is native to Peru.

Flowering Branch of Fuchsia Apetala

The flowers of fuchsia apetala are red and pale yellow lobes. The flowers are one and a half inches…

The flowers of fuchsia corymbiflora are scarlet and two inches long. The flowers grow in clusters at the end of the stems. The shrub grows between four and six feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Fuchsia Corymbiflora

The flowers of fuchsia corymbiflora are scarlet and two inches long. The flowers grow in clusters at…

The flowers of fuchsia fulgens are scarlet and two inches long. The petals are shorter than the sepals. The shrub grows between four and six feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Fuchsia Fulgens

The flowers of fuchsia fulgens are scarlet and two inches long. The petals are shorter than the sepals.…

The flowers of fuchsia macrostema globosa are globular in shape. The petals are a purplish violet and the sepals are a purplish red. The shrub grows between five and six feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Fuchsia Macrostema Globosa

The flowers of fuchsia macrostema globosa are globular in shape. The petals are a purplish violet and…

Fuchsia macrostema gracilis flowers have purple petals and scarlet sepals. The flowers grow in a twisted pattern. The shrub grows between six and ten feet tall.

Habit, Detached Single Flower, and Leaf of Fuchsia Macrostema Gracilis

Fuchsia macrostema gracilis flowers have purple petals and scarlet sepals. The flowers grow in a twisted…

Fuchsia macrostema pumila is very similar to fuchsia macrostem gracilis. It is the dwarf variety.

Flowering Branch of Fuchsia Macrostema Pumila

Fuchsia macrostema pumila is very similar to fuchsia macrostem gracilis. It is the dwarf variety.

The flowers of fuchsia microphylla are deep red and funnel shaped. The shrub grows to be two feet tall. The flowers bloom in the autumn.

Flowering Branch and Single Flower of Fuchsia Microphylla

The flowers of fuchsia microphylla are deep red and funnel shaped. The shrub grows to be two feet tall.…

The flowers of fuchsia serratifolia are scarlet. The flowers bloom in the summer. The shrub grows between six and eight feet tall. The leaves have sawed edges.

Flowering Branch of Fuchsia Serratifolia

The flowers of fuchsia serratifolia are scarlet. The flowers bloom in the summer. The shrub grows between…

The flowers of fuchsia earl of beaconsfield are a rosy carmine color. This plant is a hybrid.

Fuchsia Earl of Beaconsfield

The flowers of fuchsia earl of beaconsfield are a rosy carmine color. This plant is a hybrid.

The flowers of fuchsia erecta superba stand nearly erect. This shrub is a strong growing garden hybrid.

Flowering Branch of Fuchsia Erecta Superba

The flowers of fuchsia erecta superba stand nearly erect. This shrub is a strong growing garden hybrid.

Fuchsia gipsy queen flowers have scarlet sepals and a violet corolla.

Flowers of Fuchsia Gipsy Queen

Fuchsia gipsy queen flowers have scarlet sepals and a violet corolla.

Fuchsia miss lucy finnis flowers are very large. The tube and sepals are coral red. The corolla is pure white.

Flower of Fuchsia Miss Lucy Finnis

Fuchsia miss lucy finnis flowers are very large. The tube and sepals are coral red. The corolla is pure…

The common name of funkia is the plantain lily. Funkia sieboldiana flowers are white with a pale lilac tinge. The stalks have ten to fifteen flowers.

Funkia Sieboldiana

The common name of funkia is the plantain lily. Funkia sieboldiana flowers are white with a pale lilac…

The common name of funkia is the plantain lily. Funkia subcordata flowers are pure white and about four inches long. The stems have nine to fifteen flowers.

Funkia Subcordata

The common name of funkia is the plantain lily. Funkia subcordata flowers are pure white and about four…

The flowers of furcraea curensis are a greenish color. There are twenty five to thirty bright green leaves forming a rosette.

Inflorescene, with Bulbis, of Furcraea Curensis

The flowers of furcraea curensis are a greenish color. There are twenty five to thirty bright green…

Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between twenty and thirty feet high. Forty to fifty leaves grow in a dense rosette.

Fucraea Gigantea

Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between…

Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between twenty and thirty feet high. This plant can be found in South America.

Branch of Inflorescence and Single Flower of Fucraea Gigantea

Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between…

The flower heads of gaillardia aristata grandiflora are yellow with reddish styles in the disk. The flower heads are one to three inches across.

Flowering Branch of Gaillardia Aristata Grandiflora

The flower heads of gaillardia aristata grandiflora are yellow with reddish styles in the disk. The…

The common name of galanthus is snowdrop. The flowers of galanthus elwesii are white with green spots at the base. The plant grows between six and twelve inches tall.

Flowers of Galanthus Elwesii

The common name of galanthus is snowdrop. The flowers of galanthus elwesii are white with green spots…

The common name of galanthus nivalis is common snowdrop. The flowers are white with the inner three segments streaked with green. There is also a double form of this variety.

Galanthus Nivalis

The common name of galanthus nivalis is common snowdrop. The flowers are white with the inner three…

The common name of galanthus nivalis imperati is the common snowdrop. This a large form of galanthus nivalis. The outer segments of the flower are very abrupt and narrow at the base.

Flowers of Galanthus Nivalis Imperati

The common name of galanthus nivalis imperati is the common snowdrop. This a large form of galanthus…

The common name of galanthus nivalis reflexus is the cremean snowdrop. This flower is different from galanthus nivalis because the outer perianth segments are reflexed.

Flowers of Galanthus Nivalis Reflexus

The common name of galanthus nivalis reflexus is the cremean snowdrop. This flower is different from…