Cistus laurifolius grows six feet tall. The flowers are two to three inches wide. The flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom June to August.

Cistus Laurifolius

Cistus laurifolius grows six feet tall. The flowers are two to three inches wide. The flowers are yellow.…

Citrange is a hybrid between the common orange ad the trifoliate orange. The rusk variety has the smallest flowers and smallest, reddest fruits. The fruits are thin skinned, aromatic, juicy, and almost seedless.

Rusk Citrange

Citrange is a hybrid between the common orange ad the trifoliate orange. The rusk variety has the smallest…

The common name of citropsis is African cherry orange. The schweinfurthii variety large flowers. The fruits are lime-like and sweet.

Citropsis Schweinfurthii

The common name of citropsis is African cherry orange. The schweinfurthii variety large flowers. The…

Lemon is the common name of citrus limonia. It is a small tree with irregular branches. The flowers are large and reddish tinted in the bud. The fruit is yellow when ripe.


Lemon is the common name of citrus limonia. It is a small tree with irregular branches. The flowers…

Common or sweet orange is the common name of citrus sinensis. It is a medium sized tree with a rounded top. The flowers are white. The fruit is oval with sweet pulp.

Common or Sweet Orange

Common or sweet orange is the common name of citrus sinensis. It is a medium sized tree with a rounded…

Clarkia elegans grows one to six feet tall. The flowers are purple or rose colored. There are some white varieties.

Clarkia Elegans

Clarkia elegans grows one to six feet tall. The flowers are purple or rose colored. There are some white…

Clarkia pulchella grows between twelve and eighteen inches tall. The flowers are lilac and there is also a white variety.

Clarkia Pulchella

Clarkia pulchella grows between twelve and eighteen inches tall. The flowers are lilac and there is…

The flowers of clematis fremontii are purple and drooping. The leaves are three to four inches long.

Clematis Fremontii

The flowers of clematis fremontii are purple and drooping. The leaves are three to four inches long.

Clematis viorna grows eight to ten feet tall. The flowers are pitcher shaped and grow alone on each stem.

Clematis Viorna

Clematis viorna grows eight to ten feet tall. The flowers are pitcher shaped and grow alone on each…

Clematis stanleyia is an erect, robust herb that grows three feet tall. The flowers are one to three inches across and white to pink-purple.

Clematis Stanleyia

Clematis stanleyia is an erect, robust herb that grows three feet tall. The flowers are one to three…

The flowers of clematis jackmanii are flat and five to six inches broad. The flowers are usually clustered in threes.

Clematis Jackmanii

The flowers of clematis jackmanii are flat and five to six inches broad. The flowers are usually clustered…

Clematis lawsoniana henryi is a derivative from clematis lanuginosa. The flowers are creamy white and become fully expanded when grown in the open sun.

Clematis Lawsoniana Henryi

Clematis lawsoniana henryi is a derivative from clematis lanuginosa. The flowers are creamy white and…

The flowers of clematis lawsoniana are very large and rose purple, marked with darker veins. The flowers bloom August to November.

Clematis Lawsoniana

The flowers of clematis lawsoniana are very large and rose purple, marked with darker veins. The flowers…

The flowers of clematis paniculata are one to one and a half inches across. The flowers are dull white and bloom in September.

Flower of Clematis Paniculata

The flowers of clematis paniculata are one to one and a half inches across. The flowers are dull white…

The common name of cleome spinosa is giant spider plant. The flowers have four petals. The flowers are rose-purple varying to white.

Cleome Spinosa

The common name of cleome spinosa is giant spider plant. The flowers have four petals. The flowers are…

Clerodendron thomsonae is a tall, twining, evergreen shrub. The flowers are white and light crimson. The shrub is native to west Africa.

Clerodendron Thomsonae

Clerodendron thomsonae is a tall, twining, evergreen shrub. The flowers are white and light crimson.…

Clerodendron trichotomum is a slender but erect, graceful sub-shrub. It grows four to ten feet tall, sometimes taller. The flowers are white with a reddish brown calyx.

Clerodendron Trichotomum

Clerodendron trichotomum is a slender but erect, graceful sub-shrub. It grows four to ten feet tall,…

Clerodendron fallax is an ornamental species. The stem is erect, shrubby, and branching after flowering. The flowers are numerous and bright scarlet.

Clerodendron Fallax

Clerodendron fallax is an ornamental species. The stem is erect, shrubby, and branching after flowering.…

The common name of clianthus dampieri is glory pea. The shrub grows two to four feet tall. The flowers are rich crimson or scarlet. The flower clusters are about three inches long.

Clianthus Dampieri

The common name of clianthus dampieri is glory pea. The shrub grows two to four feet tall. The flowers…

The leaves of clivia miniata are sword shaped and taper to a point. There are twelve to twenty flowers in an umbel. The flowers are bright scarlet with a yellow throat.

Clivia Miniata

The leaves of clivia miniata are sword shaped and taper to a point. There are twelve to twenty flowers…

Cloves are dried flower buds. Illustrated are (1) a spray of leaves and flowers, (2) an expanded flower, and (3) an unopened bud or clove.


Cloves are dried flower buds. Illustrated are (1) a spray of leaves and flowers, (2) an expanded flower,…

The common name of cnicus is blessed thistle. The benedictus variety grows two feet tall. The flowers heads are yellow and one inch wide.

Cnicus Benedictus

The common name of cnicus is blessed thistle. The benedictus variety grows two feet tall. The flowers…

Cobaea scandens grows ten to twenty feet tall. The flowers are bell shaped and light violet or greenish purple.

Cobaea Scandens

Cobaea scandens grows ten to twenty feet tall. The flowers are bell shaped and light violet or greenish…

The common names of coccoloba uvifera are sea grape, shore grape, and uvadel mar. The leaves are large, often five inches long and seven inches wide. The flowers are white and fragrant.

Coccoloba Uvifera

The common names of coccoloba uvifera are sea grape, shore grape, and uvadel mar. The leaves are large,…

Cochlearia danica grows six to eight inches tall. The leaves are rounded and kidney shaped. The small white flowers cover the plant in early summer.

Cochlearia Danica

Cochlearia danica grows six to eight inches tall. The leaves are rounded and kidney shaped. The small…

The flowers of coelia baueriana are small, white, and fragrant. The flower lip is yellow. The plant is an orchid.

Coelia Baueriana

The flowers of coelia baueriana are small, white, and fragrant. The flower lip is yellow. The plant…

Illustrated are detailed parts of coelogyne speciosa. The flowers are yellow brown.

Coelogyne Speciosa

Illustrated are detailed parts of coelogyne speciosa. The flowers are yellow brown.

The flowers of coelognye massangeana are two to three inches across. The flowers are pale yellow.

Coelogyne Massangeana

The flowers of coelognye massangeana are two to three inches across. The flowers are pale yellow.

The flower clusters of coelogyne cristata have five to nine flowers. The flowers are white and drooping.

Coelogyne Cristata

The flower clusters of coelogyne cristata have five to nine flowers. The flowers are white and drooping.

The common names of colchicum are meadow saffron and autumn crocus. The autumnale variety has one to four flowers growing from each spathe. The flowers are purple. There is also a white variety.

Colchicum Autumnale

The common names of colchicum are meadow saffron and autumn crocus. The autumnale variety has one to…

Collinsia bicolor grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are typically purple and white.

Collinsia Bicolor

Collinsia bicolor grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are typically purple and white.

The flowers of collinsia bicolor alba are pure white. The flowers can also have a greenish or yellowish lower lip.

Collinsia Bicolor Alba

The flowers of collinsia bicolor alba are pure white. The flowers can also have a greenish or yellowish…

Columnea gloriosa is native to Costa Rica. The flowers are scarlet and yellow.

Columnea Gloriosa

Columnea gloriosa is native to Costa Rica. The flowers are scarlet and yellow.

The common name of colutea is bladder senna. The arborescens variety has flowers that are about three quarters of an inch long. The flowers bloom June to September.

Colutea Arborescens

The common name of colutea is bladder senna. The arborescens variety has flowers that are about three…

Comandra umbellata grows six to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are whitish. The leaves are thin, oblong, and pale beneath.

Comandra Umbellata

Comandra umbellata grows six to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are whitish. The leaves are thin,…

The common name of commelina is day flower. The coelestis variety grows ten to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are blue.

Commelina Coelestis

The common name of commelina is day flower. The coelestis variety grows ten to eighteen inches tall.…

The common name of convovulus sepium is rutland beauty. The flowers are white, rose, or pink with white stripes.

Convovulus Sepium

The common name of convovulus sepium is rutland beauty. The flowers are white, rose, or pink with white…

Convovulus tricolor grows six to twelve inches tall. The stem is covered with long, brownish hairs. The flowers are blue and yellow, margined with white.

Convovulus Tricolor

Convovulus tricolor grows six to twelve inches tall. The stem is covered with long, brownish hairs.…

The common name of corallorhiza is coral root. The multiflora variety is purplish. It grows a foot and a half tall or smaller. It has ten to thirty flowers.

Corallorhiza Multiflora

The common name of corallorhiza is coral root. The multiflora variety is purplish. It grows a foot and…

Illustrated is a cutting a dogwood, the common name of cornus It is a woody plant grown for its attractive flowers and fruits.


Illustrated is a cutting a dogwood, the common name of cornus It is a woody plant grown for its attractive…

Cornus alternifolia is a variety of dogwood that grows twenty five feet tall. The fruit of the shrub is round and dark blue. The shrub flowers in May and June.

Cornus Alternifolia

Cornus alternifolia is a variety of dogwood that grows twenty five feet tall. The fruit of the shrub…

The common name of cornus stolonifera is red-osier dogwood. The shrub grows eight feet tall and usually has dark, blood red branches. It flowers in May and June.

Cornus Stolonifera

The common name of cornus stolonifera is red-osier dogwood. The shrub grows eight feet tall and usually…

The common name of cornus mas is Cornelian cherry. The shrub grows twenty feet tall. The fruit is oblong, scarlet, and edible. The flowers bloom in spring and the fruit appears in the fall.

Cornus Mas

The common name of cornus mas is Cornelian cherry. The shrub grows twenty feet tall. The fruit is oblong,…

The common name of cornus florida is flowering dogwood. The shrub grows ten to fifteen feet tall and has spreading branches. The flowers are white or pinkish.

Cornus Florida

The common name of cornus florida is flowering dogwood. The shrub grows ten to fifteen feet tall and…

Cornus kousa is a shrub that grows twenty feet tall. The flowers are creamy white and very showy. The plant is native to China and Japan.

Cornus Kousa

Cornus kousa is a shrub that grows twenty feet tall. The flowers are creamy white and very showy. The…

The common name of coronilla emerus is scorpion senna. It is a dense, symmetrical shrub that grows three to five feet tall. The flowers are large, yellow, and tipped with red.

Coronilla Emerus

The common name of coronilla emerus is scorpion senna. It is a dense, symmetrical shrub that grows three…

The common name of coronilla varia is crown vetch. It is a straggling or ascending smooth herb growing one to two feet tall. The flowers grow in dense clusters that are pinkish white.

Coronilla Varia

The common name of coronilla varia is crown vetch. It is a straggling or ascending smooth herb growing…

Correa alba is a compact, much branched shrub that grows three to four feet tall. The flowers are white or pink.

Correa Alba

Correa alba is a compact, much branched shrub that grows three to four feet tall. The flowers are white…

Corydalis nobilis is an erect perennial. The flowers are white, tipped with yellow and a dark purple spot. The flowers bloom in spring.

Corydalis Nobilis

Corydalis nobilis is an erect perennial. The flowers are white, tipped with yellow and a dark purple…

Illustrated are the pistillate flowers of corylus rostrata. They are small, scaly buds with only the red style protruding.

Corylus Rostrata

Illustrated are the pistillate flowers of corylus rostrata. They are small, scaly buds with only the…

Cosmos bipinnatus is an annual that grows seven to ten feet tall. The flowers are white, pink, or crimson. It is native to Mexico.

Cosmos Bipinnatus

Cosmos bipinnatus is an annual that grows seven to ten feet tall. The flowers are white, pink, or crimson.…

Cosmos sulphureus grows four to seven feet tall. The flowers are two to three inches across and are pale, pure, or golden yellow. The plant is native to Mexico.

Cosmos Sulphureus

Cosmos sulphureus grows four to seven feet tall. The flowers are two to three inches across and are…

Cotoneaster horizontalis is a low shrub with almost horizontal branches. The flowers are erect and pink. The plant is native to China.

Cotoneaster Horizontalis

Cotoneaster horizontalis is a low shrub with almost horizontal branches. The flowers are erect and pink.…

Cotoneaster hupehensis is a shrub that grows five feet tall and has slender, spreading branches. The flowers are yellow and bloom in May. The plant is native to China.

Cotoneaster Hupehensis

Cotoneaster hupehensis is a shrub that grows five feet tall and has slender, spreading branches. The…

Cotyledon secunda is stemless and the leaves grow in a rosette. The flowers grow in a one sided, recurved spike. The flowers are reddish yellow and bloom June to August.

Cotyledon Secunda

Cotyledon secunda is stemless and the leaves grow in a rosette. The flowers grow in a one sided, recurved…

Cannon ball tree is the common name of couroupita guianensis. Illustrated is the trunk and the hanging flowers and fruits.

Cannon Ball Tree

Cannon ball tree is the common name of couroupita guianensis. Illustrated is the trunk and the hanging…

Illustrated is a flower of the cannon ball tree with a fallen petal. The flowers are about two inches long. They are yellow and red tinged on the exterior and crimson-lilac within.

Flower of Cannon Ball Tree

Illustrated is a flower of the cannon ball tree with a fallen petal. The flowers are about two inches…

Crassula quadrifida is a perennial with oblong leaves and white flowers tinged with red.

Crassula Quadrifida

Crassula quadrifida is a perennial with oblong leaves and white flowers tinged with red.

Crataegus coccinioides sometimes grows twenty feet tall. The branches are stout and spreading, forming a broad, handsome head. There are five to seven flowers in a cluster. The fruit is dark crimson and appears in early October.

Crataegus Coccinioides

Crataegus coccinioides sometimes grows twenty feet tall. The branches are stout and spreading, forming…

The common name of crataegus oxycantha paulii is Paul's thorn. It has double, bright scarlet flowers. It is one of the most showy species.

Crataegus Oxycantha Paulii

The common name of crataegus oxycantha paulii is Paul's thorn. It has double, bright scarlet flowers.…