"If only one indicator is to be used for both ends of the cylinder, it may be connected by side pipes…
A pantograph used to reduce motion of the piston. At point D, a string is attached to the indicator,…
"It is placed horizontally with the pivot, B, resting on a support opposite the crosshead when in mid—position.…
A pulley system used to reduce motion between the piston and the indicator of the steam engine. The…
A reducing lever for large engines to measure pressure of steam in the cylinder. The string to the indicator…
"The spring balance, B, is shown in a horizontal position. The ropes are held to the pulley or fly—wheel…
"As the eccentric turns in the strap, the point O moves in the dotted circle around O', and the point…
"The amount that the valve overlaps the steam ports is called the lap of the valve. It will at once…
"The maximum displacement of the valve is attained when the eccentric is horizontal. In this position…
"Since the valve must move a distance equal to the outside lap before admission can take place, it is…
"While the crank is moving from the position, steam is being admitted to the head end and being exhausted…
"The relative positions of crank, eccentric and valve when the exhaust closes on the crank end and compression…
"If the inside lap is increased, the valve must move farther before released occurs and the crank angle…
An illustration of the valve with lap at the end of the crank end steam compression. The piston will…
"This occurs in horizontal engines when the valve is set on top of the cylinder instead of on one side.…
"It is usual to put the engine on center before setting the valve. First put the engine in a position…
"This valve consists of two pistons connected by a sleeve through which the valve rod passes. This valve…
"When set full gear forward, the valve admits steam to the crank end of the cylinder, and the crank…
"This arrangement makes it possible to place the valve and steam chest above the valve motion. A rod…
"As the speed increases, and the link is 'notched up', the lead is increased as the cut—off is…
An outline of the Marshall gear from a steam engine. The piston rotates the crank shaft at point H around…
A Joy valve gear for steam engine rotating the wheel in the direction of the arrow. The lever F changes…
An illustration of the steam engine with Walschaert gear system on rail tracks. The piston moves the…
"All fly—wheel governors operate by shifting the eccentric either to change the angular advance,…
"The main valve controls admission, release, and compression; the other (valve) regulates the cut—off…
"An eccentric on the main shaft gives an oscillating motion to a circular disc called the wrist plate,…
"The steam arm is keyed to the valve spindle which passes loosely through a bracket on which the bell—crank…
An illustration of a Corliss steam engine to generate 5000 kW of electricity. The turbines to create…
"The governor cam rod operates a plate cam having a curved slot so shaped that it takes place of both…
A simple steam turbine by Hero of Alexandra during first century AD. The turbine consists of a hollow…
"In 1629, Branca, an Italian, invented a turbine much like a miniature water wheel, which was driven…
"A compound turbine was patented by Real and Pichon, the idea being to reduce the velocity of rotating…
"A view of Wilson's invention is shown; a, b, and c, are vance which are attached to and rotate with…
"In 1858, Hartman Bros. patented a turbine consisting of two revolving disks c and c' fixed to a shaft…
"In 1885, Parsons took out his first turbine patent on a motor along the lines previously suggested…
"Suppose a hollow cube to be filled with some fluid (water or steam) at a given pressure, and to have…
"If the velocity of impact of the jet is V feet per second, its velocity in the same direction after…
"Now if the plate were shaped as shown, so that the direction of the jet were completely reversed turned…
"If a jet with the velocity V strikes the bucket at an angle a, its velocity A B could be resolved into…
"The accumulator may consist of a large tank in which are numerous plates over which water can flow,…
"Turbines require very much smaller foundations than reciprocating engines reciprocating engines of…
"By placing the condensers underneath the turbine, as is frequently done at the present time, not only…
"The bearings are of the plain ring—oiling type, usually provided with water jackets. The shaft…
A cross sectional view of Rateau electric generator turbine by Western Electric Company. Steam is used…
"The Zoelly turbine has been developed rather extensively abroad, and is being manufactured largely…
"The shaft, where it passes through the diaphragm, is fitted to a bronze bushing with a few thousandths…
An illustration of 9000 kilowatts capacity vertical Curtis turbine. Each turbines are located between…
"The marine turbine of this type (Curtis turbine) installed in the U.S. Cruiser Salem had seven pressure…
"The upper bearing with dowel—pins and key fit into corresponding dowel holes and key—way…
A cross sectional view of a four stage vertical Riedler—Stumpf turbine. The steam enters and exit,…
A two stage condensing Terry turbine from a steam engine. The steam, entering from the top, rotates…
"Steam enters at E and gradually expands in volume until it exhausts at G. The rotor is usually built…
A cross sectional view of Westinghouse Parsons turbine. Steam enters at V and exits at E, turning the…
"In the Curtis turbine, steam is admitted through a series of valves, the number of which depends upon…
"An admission of steam occurs about once in every thirty revolutions at approximately full load. The…
A heating device consisting of a series of connected pipes, typically inside an upright metal structure,…
Any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum,…
External-combustion engine in which heat is used to raise steam which either turns a turbine or forces…
A heating unit designed to heat by boiling water, producing steam, and circulating it to radiators or…
Used to convert water into steam from heat produced in a nuclear reactor core. They are used in pressurized…