Gloriosa superba flowers are deep orange and red. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows to be six feet tall.

Flowering Branch and Single Flower of Gloriosa Superba

Gloriosa superba flowers are deep orange and red. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows to be…

The common name of gnaphalium is cudweed or everlasting. The decurrens variety has white flower heads. The leaves have a strong scent and are white on the under side. The plant grows between two and three feet.

Habit and Cluster of Flower Heads of Gnaphalium Decurrens

The common name of gnaphalium is cudweed or everlasting. The decurrens variety has white flower heads.…

The common name of gomphrena is globe amaranth. The globosa variety blooms in july. The flowers are dark red. The plant is usually no taller than five inches.

Flowering Branch of Gomphrena Globosa

The common name of gomphrena is globe amaranth. The globosa variety blooms in july. The flowers are…

The branches of the gooseberry plant help shade each other to protect the fruit. A scorching sunshine can prematurely ripen the gooseberry. The best flavor comes from the yellow varieties.

Fruiting Branch of Gooseberry

The branches of the gooseberry plant help shade each other to protect the fruit. A scorching sunshine…

Grafting is placing two cut surfaces of one or different plants under conditions which cause them to grow together. In grafting by approach the scion intended for inarching must either be a movable pot plant that may be taken to any place desired, or one planted in close proximity to the stock.

Grafting by Approach

Grafting is placing two cut surfaces of one or different plants under conditions which cause them to…

A span roofed house is well adapted for greenhouse plants. The side stages are on a level with the wall and upright sashes above these are hung so as to open in any way indicated.

Section of Span Roof Plant House

A span roofed house is well adapted for greenhouse plants. The side stages are on a level with the wall…

The flowers of gunnera scabra are red, small, and numerous. The flowers grow on a large club shaped spike. The plant grows to be four feet tall.

Gunnera Scabra

The flowers of gunnera scabra are red, small, and numerous. The flowers grow on a large club shaped…

The common name of hedychium is Indian Garden Flower. The gardneranium variety has large, yellow, fragrant flowers. The leaves are stem clasping and grow in two rows. The plant grows between three and five feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flower Spike of Hedychium Gardnerianum

The common name of hedychium is Indian Garden Flower. The gardneranium variety has large, yellow, fragrant…

Helianthus orgyalis sunflowers have small, yellow heads. The flowers bloom in the autumn. The plant grows between six and ten feet tall.

Upper Portion of Stems and Detached Flower Head of a Sunflower (Helianthus Orgyalis)

Helianthus orgyalis sunflowers have small, yellow heads. The flowers bloom in the autumn. The plant…

Heliconia bihai flowers are red or orange. The flowers bloom in July and August. The plant grows to be twelve feet tall.

Heliconia Bihai

Heliconia bihai flowers are red or orange. The flowers bloom in July and August. The plant grows to…

The flowers heads of helipterum humboldtianum are bright yellow. There are numerous flower heads growing in clusters at the end of the stems. The plant grows between one and two feet tall.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Helipterum Humboldtianum

The flowers heads of helipterum humboldtianum are bright yellow. There are numerous flower heads growing…

Helleborus foetidus is commonly known as bear's foot. The flowers are green with brown edged sepals. The flowers are about one inch across. The entire plant is poisonus.

Fruit of Bear's Foot (Helleborus Foetidus)

Helleborus foetidus is commonly known as bear's foot. The flowers are green with brown edged sepals.…

Christmas rose is the common name of helleborus niger. The flowers are pure white. The flowers are about two to three inches across. The plant grows between six and eighteen inches tall.

Christmas Rose

Christmas rose is the common name of helleborus niger. The flowers are pure white. The flowers are about…

Helleborus Olympicus flowers are a purplish color. The flowers bloom in spring. Each stem has two or three flowers. The plant grows two feet tall.

Habit and Fully and Partially Expanded Flowers of Helleborus Olympicus

Helleborus Olympicus flowers are a purplish color. The flowers bloom in spring. Each stem has two or…

The common names of heracleum are cow parsley and cow parsnip. The sibiricum variety has yellowish flowers. The flowers bloom in the summer. The plant grows between five and six feet tall.

Heracleum Sibiricum

The common names of heracleum are cow parsley and cow parsnip. The sibiricum variety has yellowish flowers.…

The common name of heuchera is alum root. The glabra variety has small white flowers. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows to be one foot tall.

Heuchera Glabra

The common name of heuchera is alum root. The glabra variety has small white flowers. The flowers bloom…

The common name of hoya carnosa is wax flower. The flowers are a pinkish white color. The flowers bloom in the summer.

Flowering Stem of Hoya Carnosa

The common name of hoya carnosa is wax flower. The flowers are a pinkish white color. The flowers bloom…

The common name of hoya carnosa is wax flower. This form has variegated leaves.

Hoya Carnosa Variegata

The common name of hoya carnosa is wax flower. This form has variegated leaves.

Hydrangea hortensis is the common hydrangea. The flowers vary in color according to the soil in which the plant is grown. The flowers bloom April to September. The plant grows between two and three feet tall.

Hydrangea Hortensis

Hydrangea hortensis is the common hydrangea. The flowers vary in color according to the soil in which…

Hymenocallis andreana has white flowers. The flowers grow on slender, one flowered scapes. The leaves are pale green. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Hymenocallis Andreana

Hymenocallis andreana has white flowers. The flowers grow on slender, one flowered scapes. The leaves…

The common name of iberis sempervirens is evergreen candytuft. The flowers are pure white and bloom in the summer. The plant grows between nine and twelve inches tall.

Flowering Branch of Iberis Sempervirens

The common name of iberis sempervirens is evergreen candytuft. The flowers are pure white and bloom…

The common name of iberis umbellata is the common candytuft. The flowers are usually purple. The flowers bloom in spring and summer. The plant grows between six and twelve inches tall.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Iberis Umbellata

The common name of iberis umbellata is the common candytuft. The flowers are usually purple. The flowers…

The flowers are shining white and grow in whorls. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between one and three inches tall.

Flowering Shoot of Illecebrum Verticillatum

The flowers are shining white and grow in whorls. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between…

The common name of impatiens balsamina is the common balsam. The flowers are red. The flowers bloom in the summer. The plant grows between one and two feet tall.

Flowering Shoot of Impatiens Balsamina Flore-Pleno

The common name of impatiens balsamina is the common balsam. The flowers are red. The flowers bloom…

This variety of balsam has purple flowers that bloom in August. The plant grows to be ten feet tall. The plant is a hardy annual.

Top of Flowering Branch, Detached Flower, and Young Seed Vessel of Impatiens Roylei

This variety of balsam has purple flowers that bloom in August. The plant grows to be ten feet tall.…

The flowers are a bright rose color and grow on short stalks. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between three and four and a half feet tall.

Flowering Shoot and Detached Single Flower of Incarvillea Olgae

The flowers are a bright rose color and grow on short stalks. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant…

This picture shows the hinder rings of the abdomen and the ovipositor. The ovipositor serves to pierce the plant tissues.

Oak Gall Fly

This picture shows the hinder rings of the abdomen and the ovipositor. The ovipositor serves to pierce…

Frog hoppers belong to the order Heteroptera. This order is also known as plant bugs. These insects are very small.

Larva, Frothy Section, and Perfect Insect of the Frog Hopper

Frog hoppers belong to the order Heteroptera. This order is also known as plant bugs. These insects…

The common name of inula helenium is Elecampane. The flower heads are bright yellow. The flower heads grow alone at the ends of the stems. The plant grows between three and four feet tall.

Inula Helenium

The common name of inula helenium is Elecampane. The flower heads are bright yellow. The flower heads…

The flowers are dark purple. The flowers bloom June to September. The plant grows ten feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flower Shoot of Ipomoea Purpurea

The flowers are dark purple. The flowers bloom June to September. The plant grows ten feet tall.

The flowers are dark red. There is one flower per slim stem. The flowers bloom July to September. The plant grows to be six feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flowering Branchlet of Ipomoea Quamoclit

The flowers are dark red. There is one flower per slim stem. The flowers bloom July to September. The…

Iris guldenstadtiana flowers bloom in June. Each spathe has two or three flowers. The plant grows two feet tall.

Iris Guldenstadtiana

Iris guldenstadtiana flowers bloom in June. Each spathe has two or three flowers. The plant grows two…

The flowers of isopyrum thalictroides are small and white. The sepals are blunt. The height of the plant is between nine and fifteen inches.

Habit and Detached Leaflet of Isopyrum Thalictroides

The flowers of isopyrum thalictroides are small and white. The sepals are blunt. The height of the plant…

The flowers are a beautiful, deep blue. The flowers are two inches in diameter. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Habit, Raceme, and Detached Flower of Ixiolirion Tataricum Brachyantherum

The flowers are a beautiful, deep blue. The flowers are two inches in diameter. The plant grows one…

Lavatera trimestris flowers are rose colored. The flowers bloom in the summer. The plant grows between three and six feet.

Flowering Branch of Lavatera Trimestris

Lavatera trimestris flowers are rose colored. The flowers bloom in the summer. The plant grows between…

The common name of lens is lentils. Lens esculenta is the edible variety. The flowers are small and pale blue. The plant grows between six and eighteen inches tall. The seeds are used as food.

Upper Portion of Plant of Lens Esculenta

The common name of lens is lentils. Lens esculenta is the edible variety. The flowers are small and…

Leontice altaica flowers are about twelve per plant. The flowers bloom in April. The plant grows between three and six inches tall.

Habit, Detached Leaf, and Portion of Inflorescence of Leontice Altaica

Leontice altaica flowers are about twelve per plant. The flowers bloom in April. The plant grows between…

The common name of leontopodium alpinum is Edelweiss. The flowers heads grow at the end of the stems. The plant grows six inches tall.

Leontopodium Alpinum

The common name of leontopodium alpinum is Edelweiss. The flowers heads grow at the end of the stems.…

Leucocoryne ixiodes flowers are white or pale blue. The umbels have four to six flowers. The plant grows about one foot tall.

Leucocoryne Ixiodes

Leucocoryne ixiodes flowers are white or pale blue. The umbels have four to six flowers. The plant grows…

Lewisia reiviva flowers are pink with a nearly white center. The flowers are about three to four inches across. The roots of the plant are edible.

Lewisia Rediviva

Lewisia reiviva flowers are pink with a nearly white center. The flowers are about three to four inches…

Leycesteria formosa flowers are white with a tinge of purple. The plant grows between four and six feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Leycesteria Formosa

Leycesteria formosa flowers are white with a tinge of purple. The plant grows between four and six feet…

The common names of liatris are blazing star and button snake root. The spicata variety has purple flowers heads that grow in spikes six to fifteen inches long. The entire plant is one to two feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flower Head of Liatris Spicata

The common names of liatris are blazing star and button snake root. The spicata variety has purple flowers…

Ligularia macrophylla flowers are yellow and grow densely on a long, terminal spike. The plant grows three and a half feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flower Head of Ligularia Macrophylla

Ligularia macrophylla flowers are yellow and grow densely on a long, terminal spike. The plant grows…

Ligustrum lucidum flowers are white and grow in much spreading panicles. The plant grows between eight and twelve feet tall.

Leaf and Portion of Panicle of Ligustrum Lucidum

Ligustrum lucidum flowers are white and grow in much spreading panicles. The plant grows between eight…

The flowers of ligustrum lucidum coriaceum are a greenish white color. The leave are leathery and a dark, glossy green. The plant grows between three and four feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Ligustrum Lucidum Coriaceum

The flowers of ligustrum lucidum coriaceum are a greenish white color. The leave are leathery and a…

The common name of linaria is toadflax. The bipartita variety has violet purple flowers. The flowers bloom June to September. The plant grows one foot tall.

Linaria Bipartita

The common name of linaria is toadflax. The bipartita variety has violet purple flowers. The flowers…

The common name of linaria is toadflax. The maritima variety has pale yellow flowers with an orange palate. The flowers bloom in the summer. The plant grows between six and twelve inches tall.

Linaria Maritima

The common name of linaria is toadflax. The maritima variety has pale yellow flowers with an orange…

The common name of linaria is toadflax. The maroccana variety has bright, violet purple flowers. The flowers bloom in June. The plant grows nine inches tall. Pictured are the upper portion of the plant, the detached flower, the calyx, and the portion of the stem with glandular hairs.

Linaria Maroccana

The common name of linaria is toadflax. The maroccana variety has bright, violet purple flowers. The…

Linaria vulgaris is known common toadflax. The peloria variety has five spurs. The flowers are pale yellow. The plant grows between two and three feet tall.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Linaria Vulgaris Peloria

Linaria vulgaris is known common toadflax. The peloria variety has five spurs. The flowers are pale…

Lindelofia spectabilis flowers are purple or red. The flowers bloom May to August. The plant grows between one and one and a half feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flowers of Lindelofia Spectabilis

Lindelofia spectabilis flowers are purple or red. The flowers bloom May to August. The plant grows between…

The common name of linum is flax. The grandiflorum variety has large, rose colored flowers. The plant grows between six and twelve inches tall.

Habit and Detached Portion of Inflorescence of Linum Grandiflorum

The common name of linum is flax. The grandiflorum variety has large, rose colored flowers. The plant…

Common flax is the common name of linum usitatissimum. The flowers are blue and bloom in June and July. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Flowering Stem of Common Flax

Common flax is the common name of linum usitatissimum. The flowers are blue and bloom in June and July.…

Pictured are the top of the flowering shoot and detached flower of littonia modesta. The flowers are rich orange and bell shaped. The flowers bloom in early summer. The plant grows between two and six feet tall.

Littonia Modesta

Pictured are the top of the flowering shoot and detached flower of littonia modesta. The flowers are…

Cardinal flower is the common name of lobelia cardinalis. The flowers are scarlet. The flowers bloom in July and August. The plant grows between one and two feet tall.

Cardinal Flower

Cardinal flower is the common name of lobelia cardinalis. The flowers are scarlet. The flowers bloom…

Lotus jacobaeus flowers are dark purple, almost black. The upper petal is yellowish. The plant grows between one and three feet tall.

Lotus Jacobaeus

Lotus jacobaeus flowers are dark purple, almost black. The upper petal is yellowish. The plant grows…

The flowers of malacocarpus erinaceus are straw colored. When the flowers are in bud they are clothed with long silky brown hairs. The plant is bullet shaped with a very slight depressed top.

Malacocarpus Erinaceus

The flowers of malacocarpus erinaceus are straw colored. When the flowers are in bud they are clothed…

Devil's Apples is the common name of mandragora vernalis. The flowers are white or bluish. Pictured is the entire plant in flower, the young fruit, the ovary, and the stamen.

Devil's Apples

Devil's Apples is the common name of mandragora vernalis. The flowers are white or bluish. Pictured…

Medinilla magnifica flowers are rosy pink. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows three feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Medinilla Magnifica

Medinilla magnifica flowers are rosy pink. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows three feet tall.

Pictured are the male and female flowers on the lateral growth of a melon plant. The male flowers are more numerous than the female flowers.

Lateral Growth of Melon

Pictured are the male and female flowers on the lateral growth of a melon plant. The male flowers are…

The flowers of mentzelia bartonioides have sulfur yellow petals and are paler beneath. The flowers grow alone at the ends of the stems. The flowers bloom in the summer.

Portion of Plant of Mentzelia Bartonioides

The flowers of mentzelia bartonioides have sulfur yellow petals and are paler beneath. The flowers grow…