Illustrated are good plant forms for the free style of design for landscape gardening.

Free Style of Design

Illustrated are good plant forms for the free style of design for landscape gardening.

Illustrated are the nodules on the roots of a young plant of garden pea.

Garden Pea

Illustrated are the nodules on the roots of a young plant of garden pea.

Leopard plant is the common name of ligularia kaempferi aureo-maculatus. The leaves are blotched with yellow, white, and sometimes light rose. It is the only variety of ligularia in general cultivation.

Leopard Plant

Leopard plant is the common name of ligularia kaempferi aureo-maculatus. The leaves are blotched with…

Illustrated is a common method of making privet hedge. Privet hedge is an ornamental woody plant grown for its handsome foliage and white flowers.

Privet Hedge

Illustrated is a common method of making privet hedge. Privet hedge is an ornamental woody plant grown…

The ligustrum ibota shrub grows to ten feet with spreading and curving branches. The flowers are a third of an inch long and bloom in June and July. The plant is native to Japan and China.

Ligustrum Ibota

The ligustrum ibota shrub grows to ten feet with spreading and curving branches. The flowers are a third…

Linaria triornithophora is native to Spain and Portugal. The flowers are violet and purple striped with an orange palate. It is an old fashioned plant not commonly grown in American gardens.

Linaria Triornithophora

Linaria triornithophora is native to Spain and Portugal. The flowers are violet and purple striped with…

Flowering flax is the common name of linum grandiflorum. It is native to North Africa. The plant grows one to two feet tall.

Flowering Flax

Flowering flax is the common name of linum grandiflorum. It is native to North Africa. The plant grows…

Linum perenne is a variety of flax. The plant is erect growing and branchy. The flowers are small and blue. It is native to Europe.

Linum Perenne

Linum perenne is a variety of flax. The plant is erect growing and branchy. The flowers are small and…

Puccoon is the common name of lithospermum canescens. It is also known as redroot and Indian paint. The flowers are orange. The plant is native from Ontario to Alabama and west to Arizona.


Puccoon is the common name of lithospermum canescens. It is also known as redroot and Indian paint.…

Lobelia erinus grows six to twelve inches high. The plant is native to South Africa. It is a common edging plant.

Lobelia Erinus

Lobelia erinus grows six to twelve inches high. The plant is native to South Africa. It is a common…

Cardinal flower and Indian pink are the common names of lobelia cardinalis. The plant is native from New Brunswick to Saskatchewan and Florida. The flowers are cardinal red.

Cardinal Flower

Cardinal flower and Indian pink are the common names of lobelia cardinalis. The plant is native from…

Lupinus parviflorus has small, light blue flowers. The plant is native from New Mexico to Washington.

Lupinus Parviflorus

Lupinus parviflorus has small, light blue flowers. The plant is native from New Mexico to Washington.

Mullein pink, dusty miller, and rose campion are all common names of lychnis coronaria. The flowers are large, circular, and crimson or rose-crimson. The plant is native to Europe and Asia.

Mullein Pink

Mullein pink, dusty miller, and rose campion are all common names of lychnis coronaria. The flowers…

Red or morning campion are the common names of lychnis dioica. The flowers are normally red, varying to pink and white. The plant is native to Europe and Asia.

Red Campion

Red or morning campion are the common names of lychnis dioica. The flowers are normally red, varying…

Ragged robin and cuckoo flower are the common names of lychnis flos-cuculi. The flowers are red or pink and grow in loose clusters. The plant is native to Europe and north Asia.

Ragged Robin

Ragged robin and cuckoo flower are the common names of lychnis flos-cuculi. The flowers are red or pink…

The branches of lycium chinense grow twelve feet long. The fruit is scarlet or sometimes bright orange. The plant blooms June to September.

Lycium Chinense

The branches of lycium chinense grow twelve feet long. The fruit is scarlet or sometimes bright orange.…

The flowers of lycium pallidum are greenish yellow or whitish and pinkish at the base. The flowers bloom in May and June. The plant is native from Arizona and Utah to Mexico.

Lycium Pallidum

The flowers of lycium pallidum are greenish yellow or whitish and pinkish at the base. The flowers bloom…

Illustrated is an old time garden tomato., lycopersicum esculentum. It has been in cultivation for over three hundred years.

Old Time Garden Tomato

Illustrated is an old time garden tomato., lycopersicum esculentum. It has been in cultivation for over…

Tree tomato or upright tomato is the common name of lycopersicum esculentum validum. It looks like a potato plant. The leaves are small, condense, and curled.

Tree Tomato

Tree tomato or upright tomato is the common name of lycopersicum esculentum validum. It looks like a…

Spiked loosestrife, purple loosestrife, and black blood are the common names of lythrum salicaria. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are purple.

Spiked Loosestrife

Spiked loosestrife, purple loosestrife, and black blood are the common names of lythrum salicaria. The…

The flowers of masdevallia tovarensis are clear, white, and fragrant. The flowers bloom in December and January. The plant is native to Colombia.

Masdevallia Tovarensis

The flowers of masdevallia tovarensis are clear, white, and fragrant. The flowers bloom in December…

Wild chamomile is the common name of matricaria chamomila. The flowers are white. The plant is found in the fields of Europe and North Asia. It also runs wild in the eastern United States.

Wild Chamomile

Wild chamomile is the common name of matricaria chamomila. The flowers are white. The plant is found…

Alfalfa and lucerne are the common names of <i>medicago sativa</i>. The plant is native to Europe. It is cultivated as hay and pasture plants.


Alfalfa and lucerne are the common names of medicago sativa. The plant is native to Europe. It is cultivated…

The flowers of the ice plant are small, whitish or varying to light rose color. It is native to South Africa, Greece, the Canary Islands, and south California. The flowers open in the sun.

Ice Plant

The flowers of the ice plant are small, whitish or varying to light rose color. It is native to South…

The flowers of <i>metrosideros robusta</i> are dark scarlet. The tree is native to New Zealand. The plant is sometimes known as <i>callistemon lanceolatus</i>.

Metrosideros Robusta

The flowers of metrosideros robusta are dark scarlet. The tree is native to New Zealand. The plant is…

<i>Micromeria piperella</i> grows a few inches high and has slender, arching branches. The flowers are purple and white. The plant is native to south Europe.

Micromeria Piperella

Micromeria piperella grows a few inches high and has slender, arching branches. The flowers are purple…

Sensitive plant and humble plant are the common names of <i>mimosa pudica</i>. It is native to Brazil. The flowers are a purplish color. The plant is hairy and spiny.

Sensitive Plant

Sensitive plant and humble plant are the common names of mimosa pudica. It is native to Brazil. The…

Shell flower and molucca balm are the common names of <i>moluccella laevis</i>. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The flower clusters have six flowers. The plant is native to western Asia.

Shell Flower

Shell flower and molucca balm are the common names of moluccella laevis. The plant grows two to three…

Balsam pear is the common name of <i>momordica charantia</i>. The plant is native to tropical Africa and Asia. The flowers are yellow and one inch across.

Balsam Pear

Balsam pear is the common name of momordica charantia. The plant is native to tropical Africa and Asia.…

Monogramma is a grass-like fern. The trichoidea variety is a tiny, bark inhabiting plant with thread like leaves. It is native to the Philippines.

Monogramma Trichoidea

Monogramma is a grass-like fern. The trichoidea variety is a tiny, bark inhabiting plant with thread…

<i>Monstera deliciosa</i> is a greenhouse climber. The plant produces an edible fruit. The fruit tastes similar to a combination of banana and pineapple.

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa is a greenhouse climber. The plant produces an edible fruit. The fruit tastes similar…

Abyssinian banana is the common name of <i>musa ensete</i>. The whole plant grows thirty to forty feet tall. The plant yields a good fiber.

Abyssinian Banana

Abyssinian banana is the common name of musa ensete. The whole plant grows thirty to forty feet tall.…

Agaricus campestris is the "true" mushroom. The full grown expanded plant is somewhat umbrella like. The central stalk supports a thick cap.

Agaricus Campestris

Agaricus campestris is the "true" mushroom. The full grown expanded plant is somewhat umbrella like.…

<i>Lycoperdon craniforme</i> is found in meadows or in open woods. The plant shrinks when it reaches maturity.

Lycoperdon Craniforme

Lycoperdon craniforme is found in meadows or in open woods. The plant shrinks when it reaches maturity.

<i>Myosotis sylvatica</i> is a variety of forget-me-not. The plant grows one to two feet high. The flowers are blue with a yellow eye. It is native to Europe and northern Asia.

Myosotis Sylvatica

Myosotis sylvatica is a variety of forget-me-not. The plant grows one to two feet high. The flowers…

Parrot's feather is the common name of <i>myriophyllum proserpinacoides</i>. It is native to Chile. It is a water plant used in aquaria, fountains, and pools.

Parrot's Feather

Parrot's feather is the common name of myriophyllum proserpinacoides. It is native to Chile. It is a…

The stems of <i>mystacidium distichum</i> grow three to six inches long and are simple or branched. The flowers are small and white. The plant is native to Sierra Leone.

Mystacidium Distichum

The stems of mystacidium distichum grow three to six inches long and are simple or branched. The flowers…

Illustrated are some of the cases in which the priceless herbarium of Linnaeus is kept. An herbarium is a catalogue of dried and labeled plant specimens.

Herbarium Cabinet

Illustrated are some of the cases in which the priceless herbarium of Linnaeus is kept. An herbarium…

Common daffodil, trumpet daffodil, and lent lily are the common names of <i>narcissus pseduo-narcissus</i>. The flowers are about two inches long and pale yellow. The plant is found from Sweden and England to Spain and Austria.

Common Daffodil

Common daffodil, trumpet daffodil, and lent lily are the common names of narcissus pseduo-narcissus.…

The flowers of <i>narcissus cyclamineus</i> are very droopy and lemon-yellow. The plant is native to Portugal.

Narcissus Cyclamineus

The flowers of narcissus cyclamineus are very droopy and lemon-yellow. The plant is native to Portugal.

There is always one <i>narcissus incomparabilis</i> flower per stem. The flowers are not fragrant. The plant is native to southern France and Spain.

Narcissus Incomparabilis

There is always one narcissus incomparabilis flower per stem. The flowers are not fragrant. The plant…

Polyanthus narcissus is the common name of <i>narcissus tazetta</i>. The flower segments are pure white with a lemon-yellow, cup shaped corona. The plant can be found from the Canary Islands to China and Japan.

Polyanthus Narcissus

Polyanthus narcissus is the common name of narcissus tazetta. The flower segments are pure white with…

Pictured are five distinct types of nepenthes, or pitcher plants. From top to bottom: <i>N. villosa, N. Lowii, N. Rajah, N. Hookeriana</i>, and <i>N. Rafflesiana.</i>

Five Types of Nepenthes

Pictured are five distinct types of nepenthes, or pitcher plants. From top to bottom: N. villosa, N.…

Pictured are three old time nepenthes, or pitcher plants. From top to bottom: <i>N. phyllamphora, N. khasiana</i>, and <i>N. distillatoria</i>.

Old Time Nepenthes

Pictured are three old time nepenthes, or pitcher plants. From top to bottom: N. phyllamphora, N. khasiana,…

Illustrated is an example of how pitcher plants change their shape. The earliest, and best, are mug shaped. The topmost pitchers of old and tall plants are cylindrical.

Pitcher Plant

Illustrated is an example of how pitcher plants change their shape. The earliest, and best, are mug…

<i>Nepenthes veitchii</i> is a type of pitcher plant notable for its wide rim. It is the parent of many hybrids.

Nepenthes Veitchii

Nepenthes veitchii is a type of pitcher plant notable for its wide rim. It is the parent of many hybrids.

Ground ivy, gill-over-the-ground, and field balm are all common names of <i>nepeta hederacea</i>. Pictured is the plant surrounding a tree trunk.

Ground Ivy

Ground ivy, gill-over-the-ground, and field balm are all common names of nepeta hederacea. Pictured…

<i>Nephrolepis bostoniensis</i> is a free growing fern with dark green, spreading leaves. It is good as a pot plant or in baskets.

Nephrolepis Bostoniensis

Nephrolepis bostoniensis is a free growing fern with dark green, spreading leaves. It is good as a pot…

<i>Nicotiana sylvestris</i> is native to Argentina. The flowers are white and fragrant. Pictured is a good border effect with the plant.

Nicotiana Sylvestris

Nicotiana sylvestris is native to Argentina. The flowers are white and fragrant. Pictured is a good…

The flowers of <i>nigella damascena</i> are large and white or blue. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows one to two feet tall.

Nigella Damascena

The flowers of nigella damascena are large and white or blue. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant…

<i>Nolana paradoxa</i> is native to Chile and one of the most common species of nolana in cultivation. The plant grows seven to ten inches tall. The flowers are blue with a yellow throat.

Nolana Paradoxa

Nolana paradoxa is native to Chile and one of the most common species of nolana in cultivation. The…

Spatter dock and cow lily are the common names of <i>nuhpar advena</i>. The flowers are two to three inches across and yellow mostly tinged with green or brown.

Spatter Dock

Spatter dock and cow lily are the common names of nuhpar advena. The flowers are two to three inches…

White lotus is the common name of <i>nymphaea lotus</i>. The flowers are white with pink spreading towards the outer petals. The plant is native to Egypt.

White Lotus

White lotus is the common name of nymphaea lotus. The flowers are white with pink spreading towards…

The flowers of <i>odontoglossum crispum</i> bloom in crowded clusters. The leaves are a foot long. The plant is native to Colombia.

Odontoglossum Crispum Habit

The flowers of odontoglossum crispum bloom in crowded clusters. The leaves are a foot long. The plant…

The flowers of <i>odontoglossum citrosmum</i> are large and span around three inches across. The flowers range from white to rose in coloration and bloom in May and June. The plant is native to Guatemala.

Odontoglossum Citrosmum

The flowers of odontoglossum citrosmum are large and span around three inches across. The flowers range…

Image of a young plant. R are the root hairs, C is a seed leaf, and L is a true leaf.

Young Plant

Image of a young plant. R are the root hairs, C is a seed leaf, and L is a true leaf.

A cutting of a wandering Jew plant in a glass of water. Wandering Jews are common houseplants with multicolored, heart-shaped leaves

Wandering Jew

A cutting of a wandering Jew plant in a glass of water. Wandering Jews are common houseplants with multicolored,…

Various forms of cabbage. Top left: Jersey kale, bottom left: wild cabbage, right: Georgia collard.  These images are drawn on the same scale.

Cabbage Plant

Various forms of cabbage. Top left: Jersey kale, bottom left: wild cabbage, right: Georgia collard.…

Various cabbage plants drawn on the same scale. Upper left: Brussels sprouts, lower left: cabbage, upper right: Swede turnip, middle right: Kohlrabi, bottom right: cauliflower

Cabbage Plant

Various cabbage plants drawn on the same scale. Upper left: Brussels sprouts, lower left: cabbage, upper…

Anise is a well-known plant that resembles dill or carraway but is more fragrant.


Anise is a well-known plant that resembles dill or carraway but is more fragrant.