A diagram of a pollen tube through silk to ovary.

Pollen Tube

A diagram of a pollen tube through silk to ovary.

Corn plants with the surface of the soil "laying by" in accordance to the Williamson Plan.

Corn Plant

Corn plants with the surface of the soil "laying by" in accordance to the Williamson Plan.

Corn smut is a plant disease caused by the pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis that causes smut on maize and teosinte. The fungus forms galls on all above-ground parts of corn species.

Corn Smut

Corn smut is a plant disease caused by the pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis that causes smut on maize…

The brush of a broom corn plant <i>(Sorghum vulgare)</i> traditionally used to make brooms.

Broom Corn

The brush of a broom corn plant (Sorghum vulgare) traditionally used to make brooms.

Cotton plant in the budding stage.

Cotton Plant

Cotton plant in the budding stage.

Leaf and flowers of the hemp plant <i>(Cannabis sativa)</i>. A and c are female flowers, while b is a male flower.

Hemp Leaf and Flowers

Leaf and flowers of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). A and c are female flowers, while b is a male…

A branch of a vineless sweet potato plant, showing the crowded position of leaf stems.

Sweet Potato Plant

A branch of a vineless sweet potato plant, showing the crowded position of leaf stems.

Devices used to set sweet potato slips and vine cuttings. In setting out potatoes, the farmer uses either a garden dibble or small trowel, or a short sharpened stick; on soft soil the slip is pressed into place by the use of special devices, about as long as a walking-stick, which usually consists of either (1) a single lath, having a base hollowed out and covered with leather, or (2) wooden tongs made of two laths.

Planting Dibbles

Devices used to set sweet potato slips and vine cuttings. In setting out potatoes, the farmer uses either…

A device that strips sugar cane of its leaves. The stripper consists of a wooden handle, to one end of which are fastened two curved, flexible, dull blades, so arranged that they easily spring apart to admit the stalk between them. By a thrust against the stalk it slips into the space made by the curve in the blades; then a downward stroke removes the leaves from each side of the plant.

Sugar Cane Stripping Device

A device that strips sugar cane of its leaves. The stripper consists of a wooden handle, to one end…

The flat, heart shaped body which results from the development of a spore of a fern.

Prothallus (under side)

The flat, heart shaped body which results from the development of a spore of a fern.

<i>Salsola kali</i>. This plant is also called a Russian Thistle, Prickly Glasswort, Tumbleweed, and Glasswort. It is a member of the amaranth family and is an annually growing herb. It has a bushy stem with many branches. It produces a small, white flower. It is native on sea beaches in Europe, western Asia, North and South America, and Australia.

Prickly Saltwort

Salsola kali. This plant is also called a Russian Thistle, Prickly Glasswort, Tumbleweed, and Glasswort.…

<i>Salvadora Persica</i>. Also called toothbrush tree, mustard tree, and mustard bush. This image includes the female flower and the fruit. The fibrous branches of this plant have been used for centuries as a natural toothbrush. a. The female flower. b. The fruit  &mdash; Whitney, 1889


Salvadora Persica. Also called toothbrush tree, mustard tree, and mustard bush. This image includes…

<i>Sansevieria Zeylanica</i> is the Latin name, but this plant is also called a Mother-in-law's Tongue. "A genus of monocotyledonous plants of the order of <i>Haemodoraceae</i> and tribe <i>Ophiopogoneae</i>. It is characterized by a long and slender perianth-tube, six filiform filaments, and a free ovary, fixed by a broad base, containing three cells and three erect ovules." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Snake Plant

Sansevieria Zeylanica is the Latin name, but this plant is also called a Mother-in-law's Tongue. "A…

<i>Lolium perenne</i>. A sheath, in botany is "the part of an expanded organ that is rolled around a stem or other body, forming a tube, as in the lower part of the leaves of grasses..." &mdash;Whitney, 1889 
<p>This illustration show a single leaf of ryegrass in its sheath.

Ryegrass Leaf with Sheath

Lolium perenne. A sheath, in botany is "the part of an expanded organ that is rolled around a stem or…

<i>Sium sisarum</i>. "A species of water parsnip, generally said to be of Chinese origin, long cultivated in Europe for its esculent root. It is a plant a foot high with pinnate leaves, a hardy perennial, but grown as an annual. The root is composed of small fleshy tubers, of the size of the little finger, united at the crown." &mdash;Whitney, 1889


Sium sisarum. "A species of water parsnip, generally said to be of Chinese origin, long cultivated in…

"A plant of the genus <i>Scutellaria</i>: so called from the helmet-like appendage to the upper lip of the calyx, which closes the mouth of the calyx after the fall of the corolla." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>In the illustration, <i>a</i> represents the calyx. This illustration is of <i>Scutellaria serrata</i>, an herbaceous perennial mint.

Skullcap - Upper Part of the Flowering Stem

"A plant of the genus Scutellaria: so called from the helmet-like appendage to the upper lip of the…

"<i>Polygala senega</i> of eastern North America. It sends up several stems from hard knotty root-stocks, bearing single close racemes of white flowers. It is the source of the officinal senegaroot, and from being much gathered is said to have become scarce in the east." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration is of the fruit of the plant.

Seneca Snakeroot - the Fruit

"Polygala senega of eastern North America. It sends up several stems from hard knotty root-stocks, bearing…

"A plant of the genus <i>Sonchus</i>, primarily <i>S. oleraceus</i>, a weed of waste places, probably native in Europe and central Asia, but now diffused nearly all over the world. It is a smooth herb with a milky juice, bearing runcinate-pinnatifid leaves and rather small yellow flower heads... 1. upper part of the stem with the heads; 2. one of the basal leaves; a, a flower; b, the achene with the pappus." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Sow Thistle - Stem with Heads, Basal Leaves, Flower, Achene with Pappus

"A plant of the genus Sonchus, primarily S. oleraceus, a weed of waste places, probably native in Europe…

"An aromatic plant, <i>Mentha viridis</i>, the common garden-mint, or mint proper. It is known chiefly in gardens, or as an escape from them, in both hemispheres, and is suspected to be a garden or accidental variety of <i>M. sylvestris</i>. Its properties are those of peppermint, and it yields an oil like that of the latter, but with a more pleasant flavor." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration shows the flower of the plant.

Spearmint Flower

"An aromatic plant, Mentha viridis, the common garden-mint, or mint proper. It is known chiefly in gardens,…

<i>Tradescantia virginica</i>. "It is a native of the central and southern United States, and was early introduced into European gardens. The petals are very delicate and ephemeral; in the wild plant they are bllue, in cultivation variable in color, often reddish-violet." -Whitney, 1889
<p>1. Illustration of the inflorescence, complete flower head of a plant including stems, stalks, bracts, and flowers, of spiderwort. 2. Illustration of the lower part of the stem and the root of the Spiderwort.

Spiderwort Inflorescence

Tradescantia virginica. "It is a native of the central and southern United States, and was early introduced…

<i>Spiraea tomentosa</i>. Also called Steeplebush and Meadowsweet, this plant grows up to four feet high. This illustration shows the flower of the plant.

Hardhack Flower

Spiraea tomentosa. Also called Steeplebush and Meadowsweet, this plant grows up to four feet high. This…

<i>Spiraea tomentosa</i>. Also called Steeplebush and Meadowsweet, this plant grows up to four feet high. This illustration shows the fruit of the plant.

Hardhack Fruit

Spiraea tomentosa. Also called Steeplebush and Meadowsweet, this plant grows up to four feet high. This…

<i>Spiraea tomentosa</i>. Also called Steeplebush and Meadowsweet, this plant grows up to four feet high. This illustration shows the leaf of the plant.

Hardhack Leaf

Spiraea tomentosa. Also called Steeplebush and Meadowsweet, this plant grows up to four feet high. This…