In the short story of Geraint and Enid, the image depicts Geraint listening to Enid singing.

Geraint Hears Enid Singing

In the short story of Geraint and Enid, the image depicts Geraint listening to Enid singing.

In the short story of The Holy Grail, the image depicts the character of Sir Galahad.

Sir Galahad

In the short story of The Holy Grail, the image depicts the character of Sir Galahad.

"There are two large volumes of the survey, one being a folio of 760 pages and the other a large octavo of 900 pages. The strong box shown in the cut is the chest in which the volumes were formerly kept."—Myers, 1905

Domesday Book

"There are two large volumes of the survey, one being a folio of 760 pages and the other a large octavo…

An Italian Dominican priest of Florence, Italy. He is best known for his acts of book burning.


An Italian Dominican priest of Florence, Italy. He is best known for his acts of book burning.

"The case shown is preserved in the Chapter Library, Hertford, England. In some libraries this practice of chaining the books was kept up even in the eighteenth century."—Myers, 1905

Case of Chained Books

"The case shown is preserved in the Chapter Library, Hertford, England. In some libraries this practice…

Three books, stacked.

Three Books

Three books, stacked.

Three books, standing upright.

Three Books

Three books, standing upright.

One book.

One Book

One book.

Six books.

Six Books

Six books.

Five books.

Five Books

Five books.

Four books.

Four Books

Four books.

Three books, stacked upright against each other.

Three Books

Three books, stacked upright against each other.

A cartoon of a pilgrim standing in front of a statue of a turkey, with a sign saying Plymouth Rock underneath it.

Pilgrim at Plymouth Rock

A cartoon of a pilgrim standing in front of a statue of a turkey, with a sign saying Plymouth Rock underneath…

A cartoon of a man being tripped by a dog on a leash. He drops his umbrella, hat, and book while a young boy cheers behind him.

Tripping Man

A cartoon of a man being tripped by a dog on a leash. He drops his umbrella, hat, and book while a young…

A cartoon of a schoolteacher and a young boy, who is holding open a book. A chalkboard decorates the background behind them.

Schoolteacher and Young Boy

A cartoon of a schoolteacher and a young boy, who is holding open a book. A chalkboard decorates the…

A cartoon of a woman teaching to two bears, who are sitting on a bench and reading books.

Woman Teaching Bears

A cartoon of a woman teaching to two bears, who are sitting on a bench and reading books.

A cartoon of a man and a young boy. The young boy is holding books that say Huxley and Emerson, and the man is shocked by his intelligence.

Cartoon of Shocked Man and Young Boy

A cartoon of a man and a young boy. The young boy is holding books that say Huxley and Emerson, and…

Image of a Westinghouse circuit breaker. Around the time of the publication of the book (1901), large numbers were in use and gave very good service. a and b are the main contacts. c is the crosspiece that a and b are connected to. The current flows from a to c to b, which trips the coil d and exits out l. m is an auxiliary carbon contact, n is a carbon wiper, and w is an adjustable weight attached to the armature.

Circuit Breaker

Image of a Westinghouse circuit breaker. Around the time of the publication of the book (1901), large…

A boar's head is carried into a banquet hall accompanied by musicians. The boar's head festival we know today originated at Queen's College, Oxford, England. Legend has it that a scholar was studying a book of Aristotle while walking through the forest on his way to Midnight Mass. Suddenly, he was confronted by an angry wild boar. Having no other weapon, the resourceful Oxonian rammed his metal-bound philosophy book down the throat of the charging animal, whereupon the brute choked to death. That night the boar's head, finely dressed and garnished, was borne in procession to the dining room, accompanied by carolers singing "in honor of the King of bliss."

Boar's Head Festival Procession

A boar's head is carried into a banquet hall accompanied by musicians. The boar's head festival we know…

A young woman sitting on a chair reading a book as she spins

Young Woman Reading and Spinning

A young woman sitting on a chair reading a book as she spins

The angel of death appearing to an old man with long, flowing white hair and beard. He is leaning over a very large book. The winged angel is holding a sword in the right hand and gesturing with the left.

Angel of Death

The angel of death appearing to an old man with long, flowing white hair and beard. He is leaning over…

A tutor is seated in a chair as he talks to his young female student. The tutor is wearing pince-nez style glasses and gesturing with his left hand to make a point. Perhaps he is admonishing the young girl because she has her head tilted down and looks sad. The girl holds a book, while other books are strewn on the floor.

Girl with Tutor

A tutor is seated in a chair as he talks to his young female student. The tutor is wearing pince-nez…

Seated grandmother hands girl a book.

Girl with Grandmother

Seated grandmother hands girl a book.

A girl sitting at a window reading a book. There is an apple beside her.

Girl Reading

A girl sitting at a window reading a book. There is an apple beside her.

A young girl holding a book and acting surprised.

Young Girl Holding a Book

A young girl holding a book and acting surprised.

A boy reading to an old woman. He is seated and barefoot. She has a head covering.

Boy Reading to an Old Woman

A boy reading to an old woman. He is seated and barefoot. She has a head covering.

Illustration of an angel sitting on a rock and reading a book to five children.

Angel Reading to Children

Illustration of an angel sitting on a rock and reading a book to five children.

View of the Skala harbor on Patmos. It is on this island that John received his visions recorded in the Book of Revelation.

Port of Skala on the Island of Patmos

View of the Skala harbor on Patmos. It is on this island that John received his visions recorded in…

Baruch leads the exiles in Babylon to repent and send an offering to Jerusalem to fund Temple service.

Baruch Lifts His Hands in Prayer

Baruch leads the exiles in Babylon to repent and send an offering to Jerusalem to fund Temple service.

This is an illustration of The Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel appears to the Blessed Virgin Mary to inform her of her impending pregnancy. Mary sits near a prayer book, her arms crossed, surrounded by flowers, as Gabriel approaches via a set of stairs. Two doves sit on the railing. The countryside is pictured in the background on the left side of the illustration.

The Annunciation: The Angel Gabriel Appears to the Virgin Mary

This is an illustration of The Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel appears to the Blessed Virgin Mary…

An illustration of a Pompeiian wall painting of school materials, including scrolls, books, writing utensils, coins, and purses. The illustration is divided into six sections.

Roman School Materials - Based on a Wall Painting from Pompeii

An illustration of a Pompeiian wall painting of school materials, including scrolls, books, writing…

Illustration of a monk, displaying an open book. His hood is pointed and appears to be unattached from his habit. His habit includes a robe-like undergarment with a short tunic on top. Crosses appear in a vertical line down the center of the front of the tunic.

A Monk with a Pointed Hood and Crosses on His Habit

Illustration of a monk, displaying an open book. His hood is pointed and appears to be unattached from…

Judith, having just beheaded Holofernes, places his head in a bag with the help of her servant. She is holding a curved sword, or scimitar and is wrapped in robes that cover her head. Her servant is also clothed in voluminous robes. A shield and scabbard hang from the bedpost. Holofernes' body lies partially on the bed (left). Heavy curtains hang from the bed frame. A doorway in the background opens on to the city.

Judith Places the Head of Holofernes in a Bag

Judith, having just beheaded Holofernes, places his head in a bag with the help of her servant. She…

"And when he was twelve years old, they went up after the custom of the feast; and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's journey; and they sought for him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance: and when they found him not, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking for him. And it came to pass, after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing them, and asking them questions: and all that heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers." Luke 2:42-47 ASV
<p>Twelve-year-old Jesus sits on a curved bench, surrounded by doctors, teachers, and other learned men. Everyone is leaning towards him intently. One man points to the pages of a book sitting in his lap. Mary and Joseph are running in from the corner.

Mary and Joseph Find Jesus Learning and Teaching in the Temple

"And when he was twelve years old, they went up after the custom of the feast; and when they had fulfilled…

"And afterward he was manifested unto the eleven themselves as they sat at meat; and he upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them that had seen him after he was risen." Mark 16:14 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus standing just inside a room, clothed in a robe over his shoulder, left hand raised, head glowing. Ten of the disciples sit and stand around the room and at a table. One of these has a book in front of him on the bench. One disciple kneels at Jesus' feet and stares up at him. One disciple peers through a curtain at the back of the room

Jesus Appears to Eleven of the Disciples

"And afterward he was manifested unto the eleven themselves as they sat at meat; and he upbraided them…

"And he arose and went: and behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure, who had come to Jerusalem to worship; and he was returning and sitting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isaiah." Acts 8:27-28 ASV
<p>Illustration of the apostle Philip, sitting in a chariot with an Ethiopian treasurer, teaching him about the gospel. Philip's head has a halo behind it. The Ethiopian holds a book in his lap. The chariot is being drawn by two horses and led by a young man, standing in a river.

Philip Speaks with an Ethiopian Eunuch in His Chariot

"And he arose and went: and behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace, queen…

Saint Paul and Saint Peter in prison, one seated, both bound in chains. One man has a book on his lap. Five prisoners come before the two apostles, kneeling or holding their arms out to them. A small fountain erupts from the floor when Peter prays. The prisoners are able to be baptized in the fountain.

Paul and Peter in Prison, Baptizing Other Prisoners

Saint Paul and Saint Peter in prison, one seated, both bound in chains. One man has a book on his lap.…

Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo in Africa, sits among various other clergy and teaches from his writings. He is dressed in a bishop's cassock. His head is surrounded by a halo. Some of the men surrounding him are holding books.

Saint Augustine of Hippo Teaches from His Writings

Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo in Africa, sits among various other clergy and teaches from his writings.…

Illustration of a King cobra, <i>Ophiophagus elaps</i>, also called a Shiva snake or Siva snake because it is worn by the Hindu Lord Shiva.
<p>"A book name of <i>Ophiophagus elaps</i>, a very large and deadly cobriform serpent of India; so called from its powers of destruction." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

King Cobra

Illustration of a King cobra, Ophiophagus elaps, also called a Shiva snake or Siva snake because it…

A pictorial banner featuring the image of an oil lamp and a book on a scroll.

Pictorial Banner with an Oil Lamp and a Book

A pictorial banner featuring the image of an oil lamp and a book on a scroll.

A border with various illustrations from the Passion of Christ, including carrying the cross, washing the disciples' feet, and being laid in a tomb. A man, presumably Luke, who is often portrayed holding a book, is standing on the left side of the border holding a quill and book. The Blessed Virgin Mary is standing on the right side of the border with her arms folded on her chest. This illustration appears at the beginning of the book of Acts in a Martin Luther translation of the New Testament.

Border Illustrating the Passion of Christ

A border with various illustrations from the Passion of Christ, including carrying the cross, washing…

"And suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them tongues parting asunder, like as of fire; and it sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:2-4 ASV
<p>Illustration of the apostles as the Holy Spirit descends upon them in the form of tongues of fire. Tiny flames float above their heads. A dove emanating light is at the top of the image. A large book sits on the left side of the image.

Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

"And suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the…