One of the earliest open-air theaters in Athens, Greece.

Theater of Dionysus

One of the earliest open-air theaters in Athens, Greece.

"A relief on the tomb of a certain Hegeso. It represents a woman, seated, taking a jewel from a casket held by an attendant."—Webster, 1913

An Athenian Gravestone

"A relief on the tomb of a certain Hegeso. It represents a woman, seated, taking a jewel from a casket…

The Temple of the Wingless Victory.

Temple of the Wingless Victory

The Temple of the Wingless Victory.

A depiction of the mythological combat between Achilles and Hector.

Combat Between Achilles and Hector

A depiction of the mythological combat between Achilles and Hector.

An ancient Greek boat with 50 oars.

Fifty-Oared Greek Boat

An ancient Greek boat with 50 oars.

Ancient Greek runners in the Olympic games.

Greek Runners

Ancient Greek runners in the Olympic games.

The coin of Cyrene, the mythological daughter of Hypseus, King of the Lapiths.

Coin of Cyrene

The coin of Cyrene, the mythological daughter of Hypseus, King of the Lapiths.

The coin of the ancient Greek city of Corinth.

Coin of Corinth

The coin of the ancient Greek city of Corinth.

A citizen-soldier of Ancient Greece.


A citizen-soldier of Ancient Greece.

A prominent Athenian statesman and member of the aristocratic family of the Alcmaeonidae.


A prominent Athenian statesman and member of the aristocratic family of the Alcmaeonidae.

The anemone fulgens flower is a dazzling scarlet color with a black central patch of stamens. This flower grows in Greece and southern Europe.

Anemone Fulgens Flower

The anemone fulgens flower is a dazzling scarlet color with a black central patch of stamens. This flower…

Shown is a flower of perfect form and the crested variety of cyclamen persicum. The plant is native from Greece to Syria.

Cyclamen Persicum

Shown is a flower of perfect form and the crested variety of cyclamen persicum. The plant is native…

The flowers of the ice plant are small, whitish or varying to light rose color. It is native to South Africa, Greece, the Canary Islands, and south California. The flowers open in the sun.

Ice Plant

The flowers of the ice plant are small, whitish or varying to light rose color. It is native to South…

An image of the Acropolis, as it was, seated in Athens, Greece. The Acropolis is an ancient, famed citadel that rests on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens, and is a part of the World Heritage List.

The Acropolis

An image of the Acropolis, as it was, seated in Athens, Greece. The Acropolis is an ancient, famed citadel…

This illustration shows various types of gladiators, each type with with his specific weapons attributed to him.
Gladiators were swordsmen whose profession was to fight for the public amusement. Gladiators are said to have been borrowed by Rome from the Etruscans. They were first exhibited in Rome in 246 BC, primarily at funerals, but afterwards at festivals, particularly those celebrated by the aediles and other magistrates. More than ten thousand were shown at Trajan's triumph over the Dacians. They were either free-born citizens, usually of a low class, who fought for hire, or captives, slaves, or malefactors, and were kept in schools, where they were carefully trained. Chief varieties were Andabatae, who wore helmets with no openings for the eyes, so that their blindfold movements provoked the spectators' mirth; Mirmillones, who used Gallic weapons, sword and shield; Retiarii, who carried a net and a three-pronged lance -- the net to entangle their opponents; and Thraces, who, like the Thracians, used a short sword and a round buckler. 
When a gladiator was severely wounded and defeated, the people cried out 'Habet' (He has it), and he lowered his arms; then, if the spectators wished his life to be spared, they turned their thumbs down; but it they desired his death, they turned them up. These combats were often attended by great cruelty and callousness on the part of the spectators; sometimes they were fights à outrance, none being spared alive. Discharged gladiators were presented with a rudis, or wooden sword, and hence were called rudiarii. Gladiatorial combats were disliked by the Greeks, and practically never took place in Greek cities.


This illustration shows various types of gladiators, each type with with his specific weapons attributed…

A psaltry, a stringed instrument belonging to the harp family.  Originated in Greece.

The psaltry

A psaltry, a stringed instrument belonging to the harp family. Originated in Greece.

The Temple of Minerva in Athens.


The Temple of Minerva in Athens.

The city of Athens, Greece as it looked circa 1912. The mountain in the background is Mount Lycabettus. Foliage can be seen peeking out from between modern buildings. It is a crowded cityscape.

The City of Athens Circa 1912

The city of Athens, Greece as it looked circa 1912. The mountain in the background is Mount Lycabettus.…

Illustration of a painting of the ancient Greeks returning victorious from the Battle of Salamis against the Persians. Athenian women run out to meet the soldiers as they emerge from their ships. Ships' masts can be seen to the right. One soldier rears up on horseback.

The Victors of Salamis by Fernand Cormon

Illustration of a painting of the ancient Greeks returning victorious from the Battle of Salamis against…

Illustration of the Acropolis restored to what it may have looked like when originally completed. The view is from the front and you can see the propylaea. The hill can be seen sloping steeply downward (left) and the city of Athens can be seen in the background, built around the hill. Two figures climb the steps at the front of the complex.

The Acropolis of Athens - Restoration of the Propylaea

Illustration of the Acropolis restored to what it may have looked like when originally completed. The…

The base of the column, torus, displays a concave molding called a scotia. This type of base was not present in the Greek Doric architecture, but are present throughout Ionic and Corinthian columns. The column is fluted. The Erechtheum, or Erechtheion is an ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. a. sotia.

The Base of an Ionic Column at the Erechtheum

The base of the column, torus, displays a concave molding called a scotia. This type of base was not…