Tubers of Helianthus tuberosus, called "artichoke."


Tubers of Helianthus tuberosus, called "artichoke."

Corm of Cyclamen. Roots from lower face, leaf-stalks and flower stalks from the upper.

Corm of Cyclamen

Corm of Cyclamen. Roots from lower face, leaf-stalks and flower stalks from the upper.

Corm of Indian Turnip.


Corm of Indian Turnip.

The investing sheaths or dead leaf-bases striped off. The faint cross-lines represent the scars, where the leaves were attached, i.e. the nodes: the spaces between are the internodes. The exhausted corm of the previous year is underneath; forming ones for next year on the summit and sides.

Corm of a Crocus

The investing sheaths or dead leaf-bases striped off. The faint cross-lines represent the scars, where…

Bulb of a Wild Lily.

Wild Lily

Bulb of a Wild Lily.

Wild Lily divided lengthwise, showing two forming buds of the next generation.

Wild Lily Cross-Section

Wild Lily divided lengthwise, showing two forming buds of the next generation.

A ground leaf of White Lily, its base (cut across) thickened into a bulb-scale. This plainly shows that bulb-scales are leaves.

White Lily

A ground leaf of White Lily, its base (cut across) thickened into a bulb-scale. This plainly shows that…

Leaf of the Quince: <em>b</em>, blade; <em>p</em>, petiole; <em>st</em>, stipules.


Leaf of the Quince: b, blade; p, petiole; st, stipules.

From left to right: Linear, Lanceolate, Oblong, Elliptical, Ovate, Cordate.

Feathered-veined leaves

From left to right: Linear, Lanceolate, Oblong, Elliptical, Ovate, Cordate.

From left to right: Oblanceolate, spatulate, obovate, wedge-shape.

Feathered-veined leaves

From left to right: Oblanceolate, spatulate, obovate, wedge-shape.

From left to right: Sagittate, Auriculate, Halbert-shaped.

Feathered-veined leaves 3

From left to right: Sagittate, Auriculate, Halbert-shaped.

From left to right: Various forms of radiatte-veined leaves.


From left to right: Various forms of radiatte-veined leaves.

From left to right: Acuminate, Acute, Obtuse, Truncate, Retuse, Emarginate, Obcordate, Cuspidate, Mucronate.

Apex of Leaves

From left to right: Acuminate, Acute, Obtuse, Truncate, Retuse, Emarginate, Obcordate, Cuspidate, Mucronate.

From left to right: Serrate, Dentate, Crenate, Wavy, Sinuate, Incised.

Kinds of Margin of Leaves

From left to right: Serrate, Dentate, Crenate, Wavy, Sinuate, Incised.

From left to right: pinnately lobed, pinnately cleft, pinnately parted, pinnately divided.

Pinnately Leaves

From left to right: pinnately lobed, pinnately cleft, pinnately parted, pinnately divided.

From left to right: Three Lobed, Three Cleft, Three Parted, Three Divided.

Palmately Leaves

From left to right: Three Lobed, Three Cleft, Three Parted, Three Divided.

From left to right: Pinnate with odd leaflet, Pinnate with a tendril in place, Pinnate with even pairs.

Pinnate Leaves

From left to right: Pinnate with odd leaflet, Pinnate with a tendril in place, Pinnate with even pairs.

Palmate leaf of five leaflets of the Sweet Buckeye.

Palmate Leaf

Palmate leaf of five leaflets of the Sweet Buckeye.

A summer branch of Uvularia perfoliata; upper cordate-clasping, uppermost simply sessile.


A summer branch of Uvularia perfoliata; upper cordate-clasping, uppermost simply sessile.

Branch of a Honeysuckle, with connate-perfoliate leaves.

Honeysuckle Stem

Branch of a Honeysuckle, with connate-perfoliate leaves.

Rootstock and equitant leaves of Iris.


Rootstock and equitant leaves of Iris.

A section across the cluster of leaves at the bottom, showing the equitation.

Iris cluster

A section across the cluster of leaves at the bottom, showing the equitation.

A young Agave Americana, or Century-plant: Fleshly-leaved.


A young Agave Americana, or Century-plant: Fleshly-leaved.

Series of bud-scales and foliage-leaves from a developing bud of the Low Sweet Buckeye, showing nearly complete gradation, from a scale to a compound leaf of five leaflets; and that the scales answer to reduced petioles.

Low Sweet Buckeye

Series of bud-scales and foliage-leaves from a developing bud of the Low Sweet Buckeye, showing nearly…

Shoot of common Barberry, showing transition of foliage-leaves to spines.


Shoot of common Barberry, showing transition of foliage-leaves to spines.

Leaves of Solanum jasminoides, the petiole adapted for climbing.

Solanum Jasminoides

Leaves of Solanum jasminoides, the petiole adapted for climbing.

Leaf of Lathyrus Aphaca, consisting of a pair of stipules and a tendrils.

Lathyrus Aphaca

Leaf of Lathyrus Aphaca, consisting of a pair of stipules and a tendrils.

Leaf of Sarracenia purpurea, entire, and another with the upper part cut off.

Sarracenia Purpurea

Leaf of Sarracenia purpurea, entire, and another with the upper part cut off.

Leaf of Nepenthes; foliage, tendril, and pitcher combined.


Leaf of Nepenthes; foliage, tendril, and pitcher combined.

Leaves of Dionaea; the trap in one of them open in the others closed.


Leaves of Dionaea; the trap in one of them open in the others closed.

Terminal winter bud of Magnolia Umbrella.

Magnolia Umbrella

Terminal winter bud of Magnolia Umbrella.

Alternate leaves, in Linden, Lime-tree, or Basswood.

Alternate Leaves

Alternate leaves, in Linden, Lime-tree, or Basswood.

Opposite leaves, in Red Maple.

Red Maple

Opposite leaves, in Red Maple.

Whorled leaves of Gallium.


Whorled leaves of Gallium.

A piece of stem of Larch with two clusters (fascicles) of numerous leaves.


A piece of stem of Larch with two clusters (fascicles) of numerous leaves.

Piece of a branch of Pitch Pine, with three leaves in a fascicle or bundle, in the axial of a thin scale, which answers to a primary leaf. The bundle is surrounded at the base by a short sheath, formed of the delicate scales of the auxiliary bud.

Pitch Pine

Piece of a branch of Pitch Pine, with three leaves in a fascicle or bundle, in the axial of a thin scale,…

Shoot with its leaves 5-ranked, the sixth leaf over the first; as in the Apple-tree.


Shoot with its leaves 5-ranked, the sixth leaf over the first; as in the Apple-tree.

A young plant of the Houseleek, with the leaves (not yet expanded) numbered, and exhibiting the 13-ranked arrangement; and sowing secondary spirals.


A young plant of the Houseleek, with the leaves (not yet expanded) numbered, and exhibiting the 13-ranked…

Opposite leaves of Euonymus, or Spindle-tree, showing the successive pairs crossing each other at right angles.


Opposite leaves of Euonymus, or Spindle-tree, showing the successive pairs crossing each other at right…

Piece of a flowering-stem of Moneywort with single flower successively produced in the axils of the leaves, from below upwards, as the stem grows on.


Piece of a flowering-stem of Moneywort with single flower successively produced in the axils of the…

Spike of the common Plantain or Ribwort.


Spike of the common Plantain or Ribwort.

Head of the Button-bush.


Head of the Button-bush.

Spadix and spathe of the Indian Turnip; the latter cut through below.

Indian Turnip

Spadix and spathe of the Indian Turnip; the latter cut through below.

Compound Umbel of Caraway.


Compound Umbel of Caraway.

Diagram of a simple panicle.


Diagram of a simple panicle.

Diagram of a simple cyme in which the axis lengthens, so as to take the form of a raceme.

Simple cyme

Diagram of a simple cyme in which the axis lengthens, so as to take the form of a raceme.

Compound cyme of Hydrangea arborescens, with neutral enlarged flowers round the circumference.

Hydrangea arborscens

Compound cyme of Hydrangea arborescens, with neutral enlarged flowers round the circumference.

A complete forking cyme of an Arenaria, or Chickweed.


A complete forking cyme of an Arenaria, or Chickweed.

Diagram of a scorpioid cyme, with opposite leaves or bracts.

Scorpioid Cyme

Diagram of a scorpioid cyme, with opposite leaves or bracts.

Diagram of analogous scorpioid cyme, with alternate leaves or bracts.

Analogous Scorpioid Cyme

Diagram of analogous scorpioid cyme, with alternate leaves or bracts.

A <em>flos plenus</em>, namely, a full double flower of Rose.

Flos Plenus

A flos plenus, namely, a full double flower of Rose.

Trillium is a genus of about 40-50 species of perennial herbaceous flowering plants, native to temperate regions of North America and Asia.


Trillium is a genus of about 40-50 species of perennial herbaceous flowering plants, native to temperate…

Magnified pollen of Hibiscus and other Mallow plants, beset with prickly projections.

Hibiscus pollen

Magnified pollen of Hibiscus and other Mallow plants, beset with prickly projections.

A plant with large fleshy leaves that yields many products. It is a tall plant with a spiny top that only blossoms after ten to seventy years.


A plant with large fleshy leaves that yields many products. It is a tall plant with a spiny top that…

A plant that varies in size but always has thick fleshy leaves that are spined. It also contains a juice that is used for medicinal purposes.


A plant that varies in size but always has thick fleshy leaves that are spined. It also contains a juice…

A North American poisonous herb. The plant itself usually has a blossom between two large green fleshy leaves. Parts of it are edible.


A North American poisonous herb. The plant itself usually has a blossom between two large green fleshy…

A member of the morning glory family, it is an edible root. Grown and eten because of its sweetness. The vine has violet and/or pink flowers.

Sweet Potato

A member of the morning glory family, it is an edible root. Grown and eten because of its sweetness.…

The seed enclosed in the subterraneous pod of the Arachis Hypogaea plant.


The seed enclosed in the subterraneous pod of the Arachis Hypogaea plant.

Leafy shoot and berry (cut across) of the larger Cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon.


Leafy shoot and berry (cut across) of the larger Cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon.

Longitudinal section of a peach, showing flesh, stone, and seed.


Longitudinal section of a peach, showing flesh, stone, and seed.