The lonicera prolifera shrub climbs four to five feet high. The flowers are pale yellow with a marked…
The lonicera flava shrub climbs ten feet high. The flowers are orange-yellow and fragrant. It is native…
Woodbine is the common name of lonicera periclymenum. The shrub climbs several feet high. The flowers…
Medinilla magnifica is an evergreen shrub native to the Philippines. Its leaves have nine to thirteen…
Bayberry is the common name of myrica carolinensis. The shrub grows two to eight feet tall. The shrub…
Myrtle is the common name of myrtus communis. It is an evergreen shrub that grows three to ten feet…
The neillia sinensis shrub is native to central China. It grows six feet tall. The flowers bloom in…
The common name of nemopanthus is mountain holly. The mucronata variety is native from Canada to Wisconsin,…
Ground Ivy (Glecoma hederacea) is a common European labiate hedgerow plant, with trailing stems, kidney-shaped,…