Nerve Ganglia, or Knots (sing. Ganglion; Knot) occur as collections of nerve cells on the course of a nerve, forming and obvious swelling. In surgery, it is the swelling caused by the collection of fluid in the fibrous sheath which surrounds a tendon. It arises from inflammation of the tendon-sheath, and occurs most often at the back of the wrist. Sometimes the cyst may be broken by firm pressure or by a smart blow, and the fluid be thus dispersed; or a puncture may be made, with proper antiseptic precautions, and the fluid be pressed out. Sometimes counter-irritation with iodine causes absorption. In any case, firm pressure with pad and bandage must be used afterwards, to prevent refilling until the cyst walls have united. This illustration shows a cross-section of a spinal cord and spinal nerve cells (g being ganglia).

Nerve Ganglia (Spinal)

Nerve Ganglia, or Knots (sing. Ganglion; Knot) occur as collections of nerve cells on the course of…