The evils of alcohol. "The chap that closes many a good establishment."

The Evils of Alcohol

The evils of alcohol. "The chap that closes many a good establishment."

A diagram of a tower brewery cellars. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though beer can be made in the home, and has been for much of beer's history. A company which makes beer is called either a brewery or a brewing company. The diversity of size in breweries is matched by the diversity of processes, degrees of automation, and kinds of beer produced in breweries. Typically a brewery is divided into distinct sections, with each section reserved for one part of the brewing process.

Tower Brewery Cellars

A diagram of a tower brewery cellars. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though…

A diagram of a brewery. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though beer can be made in the home, and has been for much of beer's history. A company which makes beer is called either a brewery or a brewing company. The diversity of size in breweries is matched by the diversity of processes, degrees of automation, and kinds of beer produced in breweries. Typically a brewery is divided into distinct sections, with each section reserved for one part of the brewing process.

Brewery Diagram

A diagram of a brewery. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though beer can be…

"The expansion of solids by heat is clearly shown by the following experiment: m represents a ring of metal, through which, at the ordinary temperature, a small iron or copper ball, a, will pass freely, this ball being a little less than the diameter of the ring. If this ball be now heated by the flame of an alcohol lame, it will be come so far expanded by heat as no longer to pass through the ring." —Wells, 1857

Expansion of Solids

"The expansion of solids by heat is clearly shown by the following experiment: m represents a ring of…

"The US Treasury Dept. and its internal revenue servie uses a series of carefully adjusted hydrometers for determing the amount of alcohol in various distilled liquors."—Finley, 1917

US Internal Revenue hydrometer

"The US Treasury Dept. and its internal revenue servie uses a series of carefully adjusted hydrometers…