"A division of thallogenous chlorophyllous cryptograms found in the most part in the sea or in freshwater."-Whitney,…
"a genus of algae. P.nivalis (red-snow) appears on the surface of snow, tinging extensive tracts in…
Small plant of Chondrus crispus, Carrageen Moss; the spots represent the fructification, consisting…
The growing end of a branching Conferva (Cladophora glomerata), showing how, by a kind of budding growth,…
Coralline Rock is a type of rock formed by the death of layers of Coralline algae. It is visually quite…
Section through a conceptacle of Delesseria Leprieurei, showing the spores, which are single specialized…
A major group of eukaryotic algae, one of the most common type of phytoplankton. Most diatoms are unicelular,…
Magnified section through a fertile conceptacle of Rockweed, showing the large spores in the midst of…
"In general, fungi are low plants which do not contain chlorophyll, in contrast with the algae, which…
Oarweed or Tangle (Laminaria digitata) is a species of kelp common to the British Isles and Northeast…
"Liteocircus annularis. cent. caps, central capsule; ext. caps. pr, extra-capsular protoplasm; int.…
Laminaria saccharina belongs to the group Laminariæ, a group of algæ belonging to the Phæosporeæ,…
Similar section of a sterile conceptacle, containing slender antheridia.
Pandorina, a one-celled, fresh water form, is a genus of green algae composed of 8, 16, or sometimes…
"Hydra viridis, the freshwater polyp. The animal is attached to the stem of a plant, and is represented…
A genus of single-celled algae often forming a yellowish-green stratum on trees' damp walls, and in…
Agarum Turneri, Sea Colander, so called from the perforations with which the frond, as it grows, becomes…
Volvox is one of the best-known chlorophytes, a division of green algae, and is the most developed in…
The vorticella is an interesting protozoan. It is found on submerged stems and leaves in stagnant water,…