Two alveoli of the lung, highly magnified. Alveoli are cavities which are honeycombed with bulgings…
A small bronchial tube, a, dividing into its terminal branches, c; these have pouched or sacculated…
Diagram showing the principal parts of the cell and something of the protoplasmic architecture as it…
"Diagram showing the principal parts of the cell as it appeaers when killed and stained. The protoplasm…
Section of lung with distended blood vessels, highly magnified. Labels: c,c, partitions between alveoli;…
The lungs and air passages seen from the front. On the left of the figure the pulmonary tissue has been…
Structure of the lung. The lung has a serous coat; a sub-serous, elastic areolar tissue, investing the…
From the section through a mucous gland after prolonged electrical stimulation. The alveoli are lined…
From the section through a mucous gland in a quiescent state. The alveoli are lined with transparent…
"Diagram of an Echinus (stripped of its spines). a, mouth; a', gullet; b, teeth; c, lips; d, alveoli;…