"Image: Anther of Aquilegria. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity of a filament."-Whitney, 1902


"Image: Anther of Aquilegria. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the…

"Image: Anther of Aquilegria, expanded. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity of a filament."-Whitney, 1902


"Image: Anther of Aquilegria, expanded. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised…

"Image: Anther of Lilium. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity of a filament."-Whitney, 1902


"Image: Anther of Lilium. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity…

"Image: Anther of Berberis. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity of a filament."-Whitney, 1902


"Image: Anther of Berberis. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the…

"Image: Anther of Solanum. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity of a filament."-Whitney, 1902


"Image: Anther of Solanum. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity…

"Image: Anther of Ecbalium. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the extremity of a filament."-Whitney, 1902


"Image: Anther of Ecbalium. The essential polliniferous part of a stamen, generally raised upon the…

Anther of a prunella plant.

Prunella anther

Anther of a prunella plant.

"1. Spathe of Arum maculatum; 2. its spadix loaded with flowers; 3. an anther; 4. a transverse section of an ovary; 5. a cluster of ripe fruits; 6. a seed; 7. a section of the same, showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Wild Arum

"1. Spathe of Arum maculatum; 2. its spadix loaded with flowers; 3. an anther; 4. a transverse section…

"A plant of the natural order Aristolochiaceae, a native of Europe, growing in woods; rare, and perhaps not truly indigenous, in Britain. The whole plant has acrid properties; the roots and leaves are aromatic, purgative, and emetic. b, detached anther; c, style." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A plant of the natural order Aristolochiaceae, a native of Europe, growing in woods; rare, and perhaps…

"Lophira alata. a an anther; b a perpendicular section of an ovary; e a fruit; d a perpendicular section of a fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Lophira alata. a an anther; b a perpendicular section of an ovary; e a fruit; d a perpendicular section…

"Enlarged section of a Bartlett pear flower: st, style; sp, sepal; f, filament; a, anther; s, stigma; p, petal; d, disk; ov, ovule." -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Bartlett Pear Flower

"Enlarged section of a Bartlett pear flower: st, style; sp, sepal; f, filament; a, anther; s, stigma;…

The labeled anatomy of a cherry blossom.

Cherry Blossom

The labeled anatomy of a cherry blossom.

"Vaccinium amoenum. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of it without the corolla; 3. a cross section of an ovary; 4. an anther; 5. half a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Large-Cluster Blueberry

"Vaccinium amoenum. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of it without the corolla; 3. a cross section…

"Cinnamon: a, end of branch, with leaves and flowers; b, four-celled anther." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Cinnamon: a, end of branch, with leaves and flowers; b, four-celled anther." — Chambers' Encyclopedia,…

"Dipterocarpus trinervis. a an anther; b a perpendicular, c a transverse, section of an ovary; d a fruit; e section of seed of Dryobalanops camphora; f its embryo unfolded." -Lindley, 1853


"Dipterocarpus trinervis. a an anther; b a perpendicular, c a transverse, section of an ovary; d a fruit;…

Description of the parts of a flower.

Parts of a Flower

Description of the parts of a flower.

An illustration of a fumitory flower anther. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Fumariaceae, native to temperate Europe and Asia, though some species are weedy or adventive in North and South America, Australia, etc. It is closely allied to Corydalis (from which it differs chiefly in having single-seeded fruits), and some botanists combine the two genera. The common name is fumitory.

Fumitory Flower Anther

An illustration of a fumitory flower anther. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering…

"Cambogia gutta. 1. a female flower, with the sterile stamens surrounding the pistil; 2. a male flower; 3. an anther, which opens by throwing off a cap, in consequence of transverse dehiscence; 4. a transverse section of the ovary." -Lindley, 1853


"Cambogia gutta. 1. a female flower, with the sterile stamens surrounding the pistil; 2. a male flower;…

"6. flower of Geissoloma marginatum; 7. ditto divided perpendicularly; 9. ovule; 10. anther." -Lindley, 1853


"6. flower of Geissoloma marginatum; 7. ditto divided perpendicularly; 9. ovule; 10. anther." -Lindley,…

Dancing Girls: "Mantisia saltatoria; 1. style, stigma, and anther; 2. ovary, style, and abortive stamens." -Lindley, 1853

Dancing Girls Ginger

Dancing Girls: "Mantisia saltatoria; 1. style, stigma, and anther; 2. ovary, style, and abortive stamens."…

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass known as "false rice". The panicle is simple, slender, the spikelets closely appressed, and oblong.

Annual Spear Grass

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…

"4. flower of Heterostemma acuminatum; 5. one of its anthers; 6. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853


"4. flower of Heterostemma acuminatum; 5. one of its anthers; 6. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853

"Moringa pterygosperma; 2. its fruit; 3, the section of a flower of M. aptera; 4. its anther; 5. a section of its seed." -Lindley, 1853

Horseradish Tree

"Moringa pterygosperma; 2. its fruit; 3, the section of a flower of M. aptera; 4. its anther; 5. a section…

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear monoecious flowers, the male catkins being small and oval, whilst the female ones are much longer. The leaves are bright green, linear, soft, and usually produced in short bundles on each side of the spray. They appear very early in the spring. The timber, which is very hard and tough, is much used in shipbuilding and for railway sleepers, and in cabinet work is capable of taking a very high polish. The species most commonly planted is 'L. europaea', whcich grows to about 100 ft in height. Other species are 'L. occidentalis', a tall and handsome American tree and 'L. laricina', the tamarack, or hackmatack, of North America. This is a straggling tree, most common in swampy soils, with smaller cones than has the the European species. It reaches a height of 70 ft., and the wood is valuable for the same purposes  as that of other larches.
(1. Scale of cone with two seeds; 2. anther)

Larch, Cone and Flowers (male and female)

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear…

"Melastoma polyanthum. 1. flower; 2, 2. stamens; 3. base of anther; 4. fruit; 5. section of ditto; 6. seed." -Lindley. 1853

Native Lassiandra

"Melastoma polyanthum. 1. flower; 2, 2. stamens; 3. base of anther; 4. fruit; 5. section of ditto; 6.…

"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther, with the recurved valves; 5. a cluster of fruit; 6. a cotyledon seen from within, with the plumule adhering to the inner face." -Lindley, 1853


"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther,…

"Haemodorum spicatum. 1. A flower spread open; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. an anther." -Lindley, 1853


"Haemodorum spicatum. 1. A flower spread open; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. an anther." -Lindley,…

"Paris quadrifolia. 1. A transverse section of an ovary; 2. perpendicular section of the ripe fruit; 3. longitudinal section of a seed; 4. an anther." -Lindley, 1853

Herb Paris

"Paris quadrifolia. 1. A transverse section of an ovary; 2. perpendicular section of the ripe fruit;…

Cross section of the anatomy of a pea blossom.

Pea blossom

Cross section of the anatomy of a pea blossom.

"Legume of the edible pea (Pisum sativum). a, anther; c, calyx; st, stigma." -Gager, 1916

Pea Legumes

"Legume of the edible pea (Pisum sativum). a, anther; c, calyx; st, stigma." -Gager, 1916

"Pyxidanthera barbulata. 1. corolla cut open; 2. perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. anther; 4. seed; 5. embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Flowering Pixiemoss

"Pyxidanthera barbulata. 1. corolla cut open; 2. perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. anther; 4. seed;…

"Wild rose. A 'single' flower showing incipient doubling by the replacement of stamens by petals. Below, a series of transitional forms from stamen to fully formed petal; an., anther, or remnant of anther." -Gager, 1916

Wild Rose

"Wild rose. A 'single' flower showing incipient doubling by the replacement of stamens by petals. Below,…

"Selago distans. 1. a flower; 2. an anther; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 4. section of seed of Microdon ovatum." -Lindley, 1853


"Selago distans. 1. a flower; 2. an anther; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 4. section of seed…

"Parts of a stamen. A, front; B, back. a, anther; c, connective; f, filament." -Bergen, 1896

Stamen Parts

"Parts of a stamen. A, front; B, back. a, anther; c, connective; f, filament." -Bergen, 1896

"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes of calyx." -Lindley, 1853


"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes…

"Corynostylis Hybanthus. 1. a set of stamens, each having the connective lengthened beyond the anther, in the form of a scale; 2. a spurred petal; 3. a transverse section of an ovary, showing the three parietal placentae; 4. a ripe fruit; 5. an embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Corynostylis Hybanthus. 1. a set of stamens, each having the connective lengthened beyond the anther,…

"Pyrola chlorantha. 1. a pistil; 2. an anther; 3. seeds; 4. a seed much more magnified; 5. a section of the nucleus showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Green-Flowered Wintergreen

"Pyrola chlorantha. 1. a pistil; 2. an anther; 3. seeds; 4. a seed much more magnified; 5. a section…

"Taxus baccata loaded with male flowers; 1. a male flower; 2. an anther; 3. a female flower; 4. a vertical section of an ovule; 5. a ripe fruit; 6. of a ripe seed, showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

European Yew

"Taxus baccata loaded with male flowers; 1. a male flower; 2. an anther; 3. a female flower; 4. a vertical…

"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus." -Lindley, 1853

Prince Albert's Yew

"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus."…