"Gynandria. A, section of flower of Bletia' B, separated column of same, composed of the united style…
"Bragantia Blumei. 1. a section of its wood; 2. one of its flowers; 3. a seed; 4. the same divided perpendicularly;…
"Centaurea cyanus. 1. a floret; 2. the anthers; 3. perpendicular section of young fruit; 4. ripe fruit."…
"Cytinus Hypocistis. 1. A flower; 2. a head of anthers; 3. a transverse section of the ovary." -Lindley,…
"Fumaria officinalis. 1. a flower seen from below; 2. the same from the side; 3. the pistil, stamens,…
"Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). a, stamens in their original position, with the anthers in the…
The anther and archesporium in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or microspores…
The cross section of a mature anther lobe in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or…
The cross section of a mature anther lobe in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or…
The archesporium in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or microspores of Silphium."…
The primary sporogenous cell (ps) and the primary parietal layer (ppr) in the stages of "formation of…
The sporogenous cells (s), tapetum (t), two parietal layers (oo) in the stages of "formation of anthers…
The sporogenous cells (s), tapetum (t), two parietal layers (oo) in the stages of "formation of anthers…
The inner layer (i), outer layer (o), sporogenous cells (s) in the stages of "formation of anthers and…
The pollen grains beginning to germinate in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or…
"Raspberry (Rubus idaeus, order Rosaceae), being fertilized. A, Flower. p, p, Petals. a, a, Anthers.…
"Schubertia multiflora. 1. the anthers united to the stigma; 2. the ovary and stigma, from the latter…
"Sections of flowers of the toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). A, front view; a, anthers; s, stigma; n, nectar-gland.…
"Stylidium calcaratum. 1. anthers and stigma, forming the point of the column; 2. capsule split open;…
Spike-like panicle of vernal grass (Anthoxanthum). a: Mature anthers, slightly enlarged.