"Gibbon is a genus of tailless anthropoid apes, natives of the East Indies. They are nearly allied to the orangs and chimpanzees, but are of more slender form, and their arms so long as almost to reach to the ground when they are placed in an erect posture."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Gibbon is a genus of tailless anthropoid apes, natives of the East Indies. They are nearly allied to…

"The Gorilla is a celebrated anthropoid ape, generally belived to come nearer than any known one to man. The height is about 5 feet, almost the same as man. On the other hand, the greatest capacity of the gorilla's brain is only 34 and one half cubic inches, the least 23 against 62 in the least capacious human skull, and 114 in the greatest. The low facial angle also, and the abundant hair, with the extraordinary breadth of the chest, diminish the resemblance. The last mentioned characteristic imparts to the animal a colossal strength. It is a native of Lower Guinea and the interior of equinoctial Africa."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Female Gorilla

"The Gorilla is a celebrated anthropoid ape, generally belived to come nearer than any known one to…