Two-humped camels are found in Central Asia, while one-humped camels are domesticated and found in Arabia and North Africa. The humps store fat.


Two-humped camels are found in Central Asia, while one-humped camels are domesticated and found in Arabia…

Two-humped camels are found in Central Asia, while one-humped camels are domesticated and found in Arabia and North Africa. The humps store fat.


Two-humped camels are found in Central Asia, while one-humped camels are domesticated and found in Arabia…

The leopard <i>(Felis pardus)</i> is a carnivore closely allied to the lion and the tiger, but differing it its inferior size, and in the fact that its tawny coat is covered with dark spots, formed by an incomplete ring of black enclosing a bright central patch. In addition to this brightly-colored form, there exists also the black leopard or panther, formerly regarded as a distinct species, but now proved to be merely a variety. Leopards occur throughout India, Ceylon, and Burma, in Persia, Palestine, Syria, Arabia, and Africa; while formerly their distribution was even more extensive. They are very active animals, and differ from lions and tigers in that they habitually climb trees. The total length, including the tail, is sometimes as much as eight feet. In India, the leopard preys chiefly on dogs and on carious kinds of monkeys; but it is capable of killing a bullock or the samber deer. The litters consist of from two to four cubs, which in India are born in spring. Leopards chiefly inhabit rocky hills covered with scrub, and in the neighborhood of villages are often a dreadful scourge to herds and flocks, and sometimes become habitual man-eaters.


The leopard (Felis pardus) is a carnivore closely allied to the lion and the tiger, but differing it…

(570-632) Arabian prophet and founder of Islam.


(570-632) Arabian prophet and founder of Islam.

"Myrrh, is the name given to a gum resin which exudes from a shrub growing in Arabia and Abyssinia, called Balsamodendron Myrrha. It was much esteemed as an unguent and perfume by the ancients, who used it also for embalming and for incense. it is still used as a perfume and for incense, as also medicinally. By distillation with water myrrh yields a viscid, brownish-green, volatile oil. Myrrh of the best quality is known as Turkey murrh; that of an inferior kind goes under the name of East Indian, being exported from Bombay." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"Myrrh, is the name given to a gum resin which exudes from a shrub growing in Arabia and Abyssinia,…

An illustration of an outdoor scene in ancient Arabia. Pictured are camels, shepherds, and others going about their miscellaneous tasks.

A Scene In Arabia

An illustration of an outdoor scene in ancient Arabia. Pictured are camels, shepherds, and others going…