Puffins are a bird genus of the auk family, characterized by the great development of the beak. In habits,…
Found in the Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, the king duck strongly resembles the…
Found in the arctic regions of Europe and America, the black guillemot averages about thirteen inches…
(1820-1857) A medical officer in the United States Navy and a member of two Arctic expeditions to rescue…
Lemmings are small rodents, usually found in or near the Arctic, in tundra biomes. Together with the…
Nyctea scandiaca." The great white or snowy owl, Strix nyctea or Nyctea scandiaca, inhabiting arctic…
"Æluropus melanoleucus- A remarkable genus of carnivorous quadrupdes of the arctoid series of the order…
Averaging about twelve inches in length, the arctic puffin feeds chiefly on young fish, crustaceans,…
"The name for the marine diving birds of the genus Fratercula. The common puffin is a native of the…
A group of birds standing on a shore, with icebergs eveident in the background.
The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), also known as the caribou when wild in North America, is an Arctic…
The USS Advance was a brigantine in the United States Navy which participated in an arctic…