Pictured are flowers of the orders asclepiadaceae, convolvulaceae, polemoniaceae, and hydrophyllaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) asclepias, (2) convolvulus, (3) phlox, (4) polemonium, (5) hydrophyllum, and (6) phacelia.

Orders of Asclepiadaceae, Convolvulaceae, Polemoniaceae, and Hydrophyllaceae

Pictured are flowers of the orders asclepiadaceae, convolvulaceae, polemoniaceae, and hydrophyllaceae.…

"7. Asterostemma repandum; 8. its coronet; 9. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853


"7. Asterostemma repandum; 8. its coronet; 9. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853

"4. flower of Heterostemma acuminatum; 5. one of its anthers; 6. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853


"4. flower of Heterostemma acuminatum; 5. one of its anthers; 6. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853