A view of the auditory nerve. Labels: 1, The spinal cord. 2, The medulla oblongata. 3, The lower part of the brain. 4, The auditory nerve. 5, A branch to the semicircular canals. 6, A branch to the cochlea.

View of the Auditory Nerve

A view of the auditory nerve. Labels: 1, The spinal cord. 2, The medulla oblongata. 3, The lower part…

Central connections of the cochlear and vestibular divisions of the auditory nerve.

Auditory Nerves

Central connections of the cochlear and vestibular divisions of the auditory nerve.

Diagram showing the brain connections of the vagus, glossopharyngeal, auditory, facial, abducent, and trigeminal nerves.

Connection of Brain Nerves

Diagram showing the brain connections of the vagus, glossopharyngeal, auditory, facial, abducent, and…

Diagram of the cranial nerves 6, 8, and 12 (Abducens, Auditory, and Hypoglossal).

The Cranial Nerves

Diagram of the cranial nerves 6, 8, and 12 (Abducens, Auditory, and Hypoglossal).

Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, the external auditory canal; T, tympanic, or drum-membrane (ear drum); P, tympanum, or middle ear; o, oval window; r, round window. Extending from T to o is seen the chain of the tympanic bones; R, Eustachian tube; V, B, S, bony labyrinth; V, vestibule; B, semicircular canal; S, cochlea; b, l, v, membranous labyrinth in semi-circular canal and in vestibule. A, auditory nerve dividing into branches for vestibule, semicircular canal, cochlea.

Ear and Auditory Canal

Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, the external auditory canal;…

Semidiagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, external auditory meatus; T, tympanic membrane; P, middle ear; o, oval foramen; r, round foramen; R, pharyngeal opening of Eustachian tube; V, vestibule; B, a semicircular canal; S, the cochlea; Vt, scala vestibuli; Pt, scala tympani; A, auditory nerve.

Section of the Ear

Semidiagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, external auditory meatus; T, tympanic…

Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, external auditory meatus; T, tympanic or drum membrane; P, middle ear; o, oval foramen; r, round foramen. Extending from T to o is seen the chain of tympanic bones. R, Eustachian tube. V,B,S, bony labyrinth: V, vestibule; B, semicircular canal; S, cochlea. b,l,l', membranous semicircular canal and vestibule. A, auditory nerve dividing into branches for vestibule, semicircular canal, and cochlea.

Section Through the Right Ear

Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, external auditory meatus; T,…