"Sterna anaisthetikos. Bridled Tern. The foot of a Bridled Tern; Tarsus .85; middle toe the same, with…
"Details of Engyptila albifrons (White-fronted Dove); head and foot natural size; wing and tail reduced.
"Fig. 46. - Raptorial foot of a hawk, Accipiter cooperi. The raptorial is another modification of the…
"Cupidonia. Tarsi scant-feathered to the toes in front and on sides, bare on a strip behind; toes extensively…
"Fig. 44- Syndactyle foot of a kingfisher. Thus a kingfisher shows what is called a syndactyle or syngnesious…
"Fig. 47. - Raptorial foot of an owl, The raptorial is another modification of the insessorial foot.…
"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus…
"Anthus Ludovicianus. Louisiana Pipit. American Titlark. Brown Lark. Wagtail. Bill blackish, pale at…
"Fig. 45.- Zygodactyle foot of a woodpecker, Hylotomus pileatus. The zygodactyle or yoke-toed modification…