"Sterna anaisthetikos. Bridled Tern. The foot of a Bridled Tern; Tarsus .85; middle toe the same, with…
Side view of the Barn Swallow's claw. "Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Tarsi shorter than middle toe…
"Cupidonia. Tarsi scant-feathered to the toes in front and on sides, bare on a strip behind; toes extensively…
"Squatarola. Four-toed Plover. A small but distinct hind toe, contrary to the rule in this family. Tail…
"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus…
"...one or both webs may be so deeply incised, that is, cut away, that the palmation is practically…
"In the palmate or ordinary webbed foot, all the front toes are united by ample webs." Elliot Coues,…