Genus <em>condor</em>, the largest known bird of prey. On average, it is about four feet long, with a wingspan of nine feet, sometimes as great at fourteen feet.


Genus condor, the largest known bird of prey. On average, it is about four feet long, with…

"On the Sarcorhamphus gryphus the Condor, the head and neck are bare, with dull red skin, wrinkled in folds on the latter; while an oblique ruff of white down surmounts the black plumage, which shews white edges to the wing-coverts and secondaries. The male has a fleshy crest extending from the mid-cere to the crown, a large wattle on the throat, and a small caruncle below; the irides being in the sex brown, in the female garnet red. The bill is white with brown base." A. H. Evans, 1900


"On the Sarcorhamphus gryphus the Condor, the head and neck are bare, with dull red skin, wrinkled in…

Athene conneviens, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative air and mysterious habits. They are found throughout the world.

Athene conneviens

Athene conneviens, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative…

The Corvus constellation of a crow or raven.

Corvus Constellation

The Corvus constellation of a crow or raven.

Coots , are medium-sized water birds which are members of the rail family Rallidae. They constitute the genus Fulica. Coots have predominantly black plumage, and, unlike many of the rails, they are usually easy to see, often swimming in open water. They are close relatives of the moorhen. The greatest species variety is in South America, and it is likely that the genus originated there. They are common in Europe and North America.


Coots , are medium-sized water birds which are members of the rail family Rallidae. They constitute…

Averaging about sixteen inches in length, the common coot of Europe is found throughout Europe and Asia.

Common European coot

Averaging about sixteen inches in length, the common coot of Europe is found throughout Europe and Asia.

Cormorants are voracious fish eaters. they have fully-webbed feet.


Cormorants are voracious fish eaters. they have fully-webbed feet.

The Cormorant "P. carbo, but has a tuft of long narrow recurved plumes on each side f the crown in the nuptial dress, which are black, white, or particoloured according to the locality. The bare loral region and gular sac are orange, and no white is visible on the throat or flanks." A. H. Evans, 1900


The Cormorant "P. carbo, but has a tuft of long narrow recurved plumes on each side f the crown in the…

The black cormorant averages about three feet in length, and is found in Greenland, as well as a long the coasts of Asia, Europe, and North America. In some countries it was domesticated, and trained to fish for its masters.

Black cormorant

The black cormorant averages about three feet in length, and is found in Greenland, as well as a long…

The Cotinga is remarkable during the pairing season, for its brilliant and variegated plumage,(Figuier, 1969).


The Cotinga is remarkable during the pairing season, for its brilliant and variegated plumage,(Figuier,…

Cow-Birds or Cow-Buntings are in the starling family.


Cow-Birds or Cow-Buntings are in the starling family.

The summer yellow-bird and the cow-bird around a nest

Cow-bird and summer yellow-bird

The summer yellow-bird and the cow-bird around a nest

A migratory bird, the cow-blackbird is notable among birds, for it does not build a nest.


A migratory bird, the cow-blackbird is notable among birds, for it does not build a nest.

The corn crake or landrail is a small bird in the Rallidae family.

Corn Crake

The corn crake or landrail is a small bird in the Rallidae family.

Cranes are large, long-legged and long-necked birds of the order Gruiformes, and family Gruidae. Unlike the similar-looking but unrelated herons, cranes fly with necks outstretched, not pulled back. There are representatives of this group on all the continents except Antarctica and South America. Most species of cranes are at least threatened, if not critically endangered, within their range. The plight of the Whooping Cranes of North America inspired some of the first US legislation to protect endangered species.


Cranes are large, long-legged and long-necked birds of the order Gruiformes, and family Gruidae. Unlike…

The balearic crane (also known as the crowned crane) stands about four feet high, and is easily domesticable.

Balearic Crane

The balearic crane (also known as the crowned crane) stands about four feet high, and is easily domesticable.

The common crane (Grus grus) is a large bird native to Europe and Asia.

Common Crane

The common crane (Grus grus) is a large bird native to Europe and Asia.

The common crane of Europe is mostly of a blueish-ash color, feeding on worms, insects, reptiles, mollusca, and sometimes on grain.

Common European crane

The common crane of Europe is mostly of a blueish-ash color, feeding on worms, insects, reptiles, mollusca,…

"The Crested Crane has the top of its head adorned with a tuft of feathers, which it has the power of spreading out like a fan, so as to form a handsome ornament."

Crested Crane

"The Crested Crane has the top of its head adorned with a tuft of feathers, which it has the power of…

"It is gifted with great powers of mimicry. Its movements have an air of affectation and mannerism, as if it desired to attract the attention of the spectator."

Demoiselle Crane

"It is gifted with great powers of mimicry. Its movements have an air of affectation and mannerism,…

Averaging about three feet in length, the numidian crane makes its home in Africa, though it has been sited in Asia and occaisionally Southern Europe.

Numidian Crane

Averaging about three feet in length, the numidian crane makes its home in Africa, though it has been…

The Creepers are small climbing birds which live and build their nests in the holes they bore in the trunk or in hollows of trees.


The Creepers are small climbing birds which live and build their nests in the holes they bore in the…

The Creepers are small climbing birds which live and build their nests in the holes they bore in the trunk or in hollows of trees.


The Creepers are small climbing birds which live and build their nests in the holes they bore in the…

The Creepers are small climbing birds which live and build their nests in the holes they bore in the trunk or in hollows of trees.


The Creepers are small climbing birds which live and build their nests in the holes they bore in the…

The Brown Creeper (Mohoua novaeseelandiae), also known by its M&#x0101;ori name, Pipipi, is a small passerine bird endemic to the South Island of New Zealand. They are specialist insectivores, gleaning insects from branches and leaves. They have strong legs and toes for hanging upside down while feeding.

Brown Creeper

The Brown Creeper (Mohoua novaeseelandiae), also known by its Māori name, Pipipi, is a small…

A small, quick moving bird which feeds on insects.

Common European creeper

A small, quick moving bird which feeds on insects.

"Crest, a demi-griffin armed, gules. ARMED. This word is used to express the horns, hoofs, beak, or talons of any beast or bird of prey, when borne of a different tincture from those of their bodies." -Hall, 1862

Demi-Griffin Crest

"Crest, a demi-griffin armed, gules. ARMED. This word is used to express the horns, hoofs, beak, or…

A bird walking in to the opened jaws of a crocodile.


A bird walking in to the opened jaws of a crocodile.

Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique bill structure helps them to rip the cones apart.


Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique…

Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique bill structure helps them to rip the cones apart.


Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique…

A crossbill.


A crossbill.

The true crows are large passerine birds that comprise the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging in size from the relatively small pigeon-sized jackdaws (Eurasian and Daurian) to the Common Raven of the Holarctic region and Thick-billed Raven of the highlands of Ethiopia, the 40 or so members of this genus occur on all temperate continents (except South America) and several offshore and oceanic islands (including Hawaii). In the United States, the word "crow" is used to refer to the American Crow.


The true crows are large passerine birds that comprise the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging…

The carrion-crow of Europe has been known to feed on decaying flesh, as well as young birds, shellfish, lands and other small quadrupeds, grains, potatoes, and green walnuts.

Carrion-Crow of Europe

The carrion-crow of Europe has been known to feed on decaying flesh, as well as young birds, shellfish,…

The hooded-crow of Europe, with some farm buildings in the background.

Hooded Crow of Europe

The hooded-crow of Europe, with some farm buildings in the background.

The nutcracker has a straight bill for penetrating under the bark of trees in search of insects, (Figuier, 1869).

Nut-cracker Crow

The nutcracker has a straight bill for penetrating under the bark of trees in search of insects, (Figuier,…

A pair of crow-blackbirds, perched on a stalk of corn.


A pair of crow-blackbirds, perched on a stalk of corn.

Resembling the crow-blackbird, the rusty crow-blackbird inhabits much the same region, but is less in number.

Rusty Crow-Blackbird

Resembling the crow-blackbird, the rusty crow-blackbird inhabits much the same region, but is less in…

The cuckoo is a member of the Cuculidae family. They have slender bodies, with long tails and downturned beaks.


The cuckoo is a member of the Cuculidae family. They have slender bodies, with long tails and downturned…

An illustration of a cuckoo with a butterfly in its beak.

Cuckoo with Butterfly in Beak

An illustration of a cuckoo with a butterfly in its beak.

Averaging about twelve and a half inches in length, the black-billed cuckoo resembles the yellow-billed cuckoo, and inhabits the same regions.

Black-billed cuckoo

Averaging about twelve and a half inches in length, the black-billed cuckoo resembles the yellow-billed…

The Black-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, is a cuckoo. Adults have a long brown tail and a black bill. The head and upper parts are brown and the underparts are white. There is a red ring around the eye. Juveniles are drabber, and the eye ring is greenish. Their breeding habitat is edges of wooded areas across North America east of the Rockies. They nest in a low tree or shrub, sometimes on the ground. They sometimes lay eggs in the nests of other birds.

Black-billed Cuckoo

The Black-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, is a cuckoo. Adults have a long brown tail and a…

The Channel-Billed Cucko (Scythrops novaehollandiae) is the largest species of cuckoo and the largest brood parasite in the world.

Channel-Billed Cuckoo

The Channel-Billed Cucko (Scythrops novaehollandiae) is the largest species of cuckoo and the largest…

A pair of European cuckoos roosting on a branch over a river.

European cuckoo

A pair of European cuckoos roosting on a branch over a river.

The foot of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Foot of a Cuckoo

The foot of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…

The great spotted cuckoo divides its time between North Africa and Southern Europe, laying its eggs in the nests of other birds for them to rear its offspring as their own.

Great spotted cuckoo

The great spotted cuckoo divides its time between North Africa and Southern Europe, laying its eggs…

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of Cuckoo

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…

Also known as the common American cuckoo, the yellow-billed cuckoo subsists on a diet of hairy caterpillars, cock-chafers, and the eggs of small birds.

Yellow-billed cuckoo

Also known as the common American cuckoo, the yellow-billed cuckoo subsists on a diet of hairy caterpillars,…

Curassows are one of the three major groups of cracid birds. Three of the four genera are restricted to tropical South America; a single species of Crax ranges north to Mexico. They form a distinct clade which is usually classified as the subfamily Cracinae.


Curassows are one of the three major groups of cracid birds. Three of the four genera are restricted…

Crax alector, Crested Curassow, is black with a purplish gloss, the belly being white, the naked lores and orbits black, the cere and base of the bill yellow, the tip bluish, and the feet horn-coloured. Throughout the whole genus, which is Central ad South American, the female has a curly crest barred with white." A. H. Evans, 1900

Crested Curassow

Crax alector, Crested Curassow, is black with a purplish gloss, the belly being white, the naked lores…

Native to Mexico, the galeated curassow has a hard crest on its head.

Galeated curassow

Native to Mexico, the galeated curassow has a hard crest on its head.

Distinguished by a long, slender bill which curves downward, the curlew feeds mostly on worms, slugs, small testaceans, and insects.


Distinguished by a long, slender bill which curves downward, the curlew feeds mostly on worms, slugs,…

Curlew is the common name for the bird genus Numenius, a group of eight wader species, characterised by a long slender down-curved bill and mainly brown plumage with little seasonal change. Curlews feed on mud or very soft ground, searching for worms and other invertebrates with their long bills. They will also take crabs and similar items.


Curlew is the common name for the bird genus Numenius, a group of eight wader species, characterised…

A curlew.


A curlew.

The Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata) is a wader in the family Scolopacidae.

Eurasian Curlew

The Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata) is a wader in the family Scolopacidae.

A young curlew.

Young curlew

A young curlew.

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

Curved Banner

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

Curved Banner

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

The black-banded dacelo, found around the Cape of Good Hope. They are known for feeding on earthworms, larvae, and insects, instead of fish.

Black-Banded Dacelo

The black-banded dacelo, found around the Cape of Good Hope. They are known for feeding on earthworms,…

"The Indian Darter (Plotus melangaster) or snake-bird of tropical and subtropical America, ranging northwards to West Mexico and South Carolina, is glossy greenish-black with beautiful silvery-grey marking on the scapulars and wing coverts, a broad brown tip to the tail, which becomes white terminally, and long whitish hair-like feathers on the sides of the occiput and neck merging into a black mane on the nape." A. H. Evans, 1900

Indian Darter

"The Indian Darter (Plotus melangaster) or snake-bird of tropical and subtropical America, ranging northwards…

The black dipper, also known as the European water-ousel, feeds on small shellfish and insects.

Black Dipper

The black dipper, also known as the European water-ousel, feeds on small shellfish and insects.