A plant with large fleshy leaves that yields many products. It is a tall plant with a spiny top that only blossoms after ten to seventy years.


A plant with large fleshy leaves that yields many products. It is a tall plant with a spiny top that…

Blossom of an alfalfa plant, one of the oldest types of hay currently grown.

Alfalfa blossoms

Blossom of an alfalfa plant, one of the oldest types of hay currently grown.

An apple blossom, just right to spray for coddling moth.

Apple blossom

An apple blossom, just right to spray for coddling moth.

A young apple blossom beginning to grow, almost too late to spray for coddling moth.

Growing apple

A young apple blossom beginning to grow, almost too late to spray for coddling moth.

The blossom of the well-known apple tree.


The blossom of the well-known apple tree.

The doodad is a picture of an unopened flower hanging from its stem.


The doodad is a picture of an unopened flower hanging from its stem.

"Contains both stamens and pistils, and the flowers are said to be perfect." —Fuller, 1910

Perfect flower

"Contains both stamens and pistils, and the flowers are said to be perfect." —Fuller, 1910

"The stamens are situated on the calyx, and they may be artificially removed or suppressed by nature, in which case we would have what is called a pistillate flower, which will produce fruit, if the pistils are fertilized from another flower." —Fuller, 1910

Pistillate flower

"The stamens are situated on the calyx, and they may be artificially removed or suppressed by nature,…

"As the Strawberry belongs to the Rose family, its flowers should in their natural state contain both stamens and pistils." —Fuller, 1910

Strawberry flower

"As the Strawberry belongs to the Rose family, its flowers should in their natural state contain both…

The Gooseberry is actually the currant.


The Gooseberry is actually the currant.

House leek (Sempervivum), with offsets.


House leek (Sempervivum), with offsets.

The Laural is an Evergreen that blossoms a yellowish white and its fruit ball is egg shaped in a blue black color.

Laurel Ornament

The Laural is an Evergreen that blossoms a yellowish white and its fruit ball is egg shaped in a blue…

The Olive Ornament is an Evergreen that blossoms a small white oval fruit, greenish black.

Olive Ornament

The Olive Ornament is an Evergreen that blossoms a small white oval fruit, greenish black.

A papya blossom


A papya blossom

Cross section of the anatomy of a pea blossom.

Pea blossom

Cross section of the anatomy of a pea blossom.

Side view of a pea blossom.

Pea blossom

Side view of a pea blossom.

An expanded view of a blossom of pea. V-Vexillum; al-Alae, with Carina in between.

Blossom of Pea

An expanded view of a blossom of pea. V-Vexillum; al-Alae, with Carina in between.

Pictured are the stigmas, calyx, and nectary on flower A of the pelargonium blossom. Flower B pictures the calyx with ovary in cross section, nectary, and ovary. Flower C pictures the blossom with corolla removed. D and E are cross section of the ovary. F is the stamen.

Pelargonium Blossom and Nectary

Pictured are the stigmas, calyx, and nectary on flower A of the pelargonium blossom. Flower B pictures…

"A wormy apple, showing the familiar mass of brown particles thrown out at the blossom-end by the young worm." — Goff, 1904

Wormy Apple

"A wormy apple, showing the familiar mass of brown particles thrown out at the blossom-end by the young…