"Anona furfuracea. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a vertical section of male and female apparatus, which…
"Triglochin palustre. 1. A flower; 3. a ripe fruit; 4. one ripe carpel opened and exhibiting a seed;…
"When the carpels consist of several whorls on the same plane, the individuals of contiguous whorls…
"Hedycarya dentata. 1. male flower; 2. female ditto; 3. section of carpel; 4. ripe fruit." -Lindley,…
"Follicle. Fruit of Larkspur. A dry one-celled seed-vessel consisting of a single carpel, and dehiscent…
"1. Leaf of Ouvirandra fenestralis; 2. a flower cut open; 3. section of a ripe carpel of O. Bernieriana;…
The sexual system of a plant, here having four stamens of unequal length, Didynamia.
"Nelumbium speciosum. 1. a section of its young carpel; 2. a section of the same when ripened into a…
"Chymocarpus pentaphyllus; 2. a longitudinal section of its flower; 3. ovary of Tropaeolum majus; 4.…
"Ochna dubia. 1. expanded flower; 2. section of pistil and stamens; 3. pistil; 4. section of a ripe…
"The pomegranate consists of two rows of carpels, one above the other, but in other respects would fall…
"Proliferous or monstrous Rose, showing the prolongation of the axis beyond the flower. C, calyx transformed…
"3. perpendicular section of a flower of Fragaria indica (Duchesnea indica); 4. the same section of…
"Diagram of flower of Sweet-pea (Lathyrus), showing five parts of the calyx, of which two are superior,…