The Greenback Group (Pro-Inflation) made up of Senators Logan, Morton, Cameron, and Carpenter shown…
New York Mayor Oakey Hall as "the last thorn of summer."
During the 1880 Presidential Elections, General Hancock and the Democratic Party is "starving for offices."
General Hancock at odds with Senator Randolph for dismissing the Tariff Reform as "local question."
Nast being held down by General Disposition to give President Hayes'' surrender policies a chance.
Nast shows New York corruption with Tammany as "The Power Behind the Throne" of Mayor Hoffman.
Nast depicts New York corruption as Tammany Hall contemplates Mayor Hoffman's Presidential bid. Hoffman:…
A ring cartoon of 1868 showing Mayor Hoffman on a screen to cover the city frauds, a respectable screen…
"The Seat of War." Napoleon III trying to seat the Prince Imperial.
Army of the Frontier stands firm against Indian outbreaks, despite retrenchment, red-tape, and a political…
"By inflation, you will burst. Uncle Sam: 'You stupid money-bag! There is just so much money in you;…
The International Monetary Conference in Paris and how the silver currency is an unsound footing.
President Johnson's farewell, "farewell, a long farewell, to all my greatness!"
The President's joy at the result of the impeachment trial of 1868.
Civil Service Reform is equal justice for both the briber and the bribed.
During the New York Election of 1879, John Kelly as the spider of the Tammany web. "'Come into my parlor,'…
During the 1880 Presidential Elections, John Kelly is excited that Tilden has given in and refuses the…
The Liberal Republican faction of Senators Schurz, Fenton, Trumbull, Sumner, and Tipton consider selection…
Liberal Republicans wrecked by a tidal wave, "we are on the home stretch."
Martial Law in Louisiana in 1875. The U.S. Bayonet is not partisan in the Louisiana Legislature.
The unpublished cartoon of James R. Lowell lecturing corrupt European countries.
A March montage of "in like a lion, out like a lamb," the sign of Aries, and a rabbit.
Napoleon III and Otto von Bismarck during the Franco-Prussian War. Louis Napoleon as the friend of Death.
Nast cartooned by Puck in 1880. Nast: "I went through that Ring in 1873, but I can't go through it again.…
Nast shoos away the Herald insect while a caricature of the "Caesar Ghost," a caricature of a caricature,…
The first step towards national bankruptcy. Stanley Matthew's 1878 resolution to pay the national debt…
Nast depicts the criticism of Native American's exclusion from franchise by the caption "move on!".…
The New York Election of 1879 of rival Democratic factions who were Kelly and Robinson, both emerge…
Nast shows New York corruption as Tammany Ring orders the Board of Education to destroy all Harper's…
Nast depicts New York corruption with the New York City Treasury, empty to the workmen and the four…
Nast depicts New York corruption with New York under Tweed's thumb. "The Boss - 'well, what are you…
Nast depicts New York corruption under Tammany Hall Ring. Nast's shadows of forthcoming events predicts…
New York Tribune joins New York Herald on the third term hobby horse of anti-Grant editorials.
Peace and Justice return to the Joint High Commission.
Nast depicts New York corruption under Tammany Hall Ring. Nast's shadows of forthcoming events predicts…
The first appearance of the Republican Elephant. Ceasarism fears drive the party's support towards an…