Nast depicts New York Corruption with Boss Tweed holding onto the reins of the Democratic Party prior…
Nast shows New York corruption as Tweed attempts to mask his action through handouts to the poor as…
Tweed makes the Supreme Court into a mummy. Tammany Tweedledee: "She is going to punish us." Canal Tweedledum:…
Boss Tweed released from prison after one year. "The upright bench, which is above criticism."
Nast depicts New York corruption with Tweed Ring's national ticket and cabinet for the election of 1872.
Senator Tweed from the New York Legislature is urged to reform in a Hamlet political cartoon where he…
The cartoon that captured Tweed. Reform Tweed: "If all the people want is to have somebody arrested,…
Uncle Sam is shown fleeing while the bottom has dropped out of the policy chair, as Nast is shown as…
Senator Voorhees handles the British Lion with his Irish-American speech.
Nast depicts New York corruption with the vouchers stolen from Connolly's office which is "too thin"…
Nast shows New York corruption with Auditor Watson's Death and suspicions on Broadway Works project.…
Henry Watterson (Louisville Courier-Journal Editor) softened on disputed election by the birth of his…
Cold water poured on Henry Watterson's call for peaceful march on Washington. "Fire and water make vapor…
J. B. Weaver of the Greenback Party is ignored by Speaker Randall and the Congress.
Greenback the Weaver in delight at being recognized by Speaker Randall and Congress.
Potter designs a jar with the White House turned upside down and the United Mexico of America at the…
Criticism for the "White-Washing Committee's report on the "ring's" accounts. The "White-Washing Committee"…
Nast depicts New York corruption with wholesale and retail double standards in dealing with New York…