"Direct cell division (Amoeba). A, active specimen with pseudopodia; B, becoming spherical preliminary to division; C, beginning of elongation and constriction; D, later stage; E, daughter cells forming pseudopodia. ec, clear ectoplasm; en, granular endoplasm; f, food vacuole; n, nucleus; ps, pseudopodium; v, pulsating vacuole." -Galloway, 1915

Amoeba Cell Division

"Direct cell division (Amoeba). A, active specimen with pseudopodia; B, becoming spherical preliminary…

Indirect division of a cell (karyokinesis). Labels: 1, nesting cell; 2, cell preparing to divide-two centrosomes; 3, filaments of the fibers of the nucleus have been formed into what is known as the spindle; 4, spindle has been separated; 5, nuclear material had been separated; 6, cell has divided.

Process of Cell Division

Indirect division of a cell (karyokinesis). Labels: 1, nesting cell; 2, cell preparing to divide-two…