"The condensing pump is an instrument for compressing a gas into a closed vessel, as in pumping air into a pneumatic tire of a bicycle, or oxygen or hydrogen into the cylinders commonly used for stereopticon purposes, or charging water with carbon dioxide for sale as 'soda water'." -Avery 1895

Condensing Pump

"The condensing pump is an instrument for compressing a gas into a closed vessel, as in pumping air…

An illustration of a closed hinged door.

Closed Hinged Door

An illustration of a closed hinged door.

"The closed helmet seen in profile is appropriated to esquires and gentlemen." -Hall, 1862

Closed Helmet Direct

"The closed helmet seen in profile is appropriated to esquires and gentlemen." -Hall, 1862

"The Temple of Janus is represented as closed." — Anthon, 1891

Coin of Temple of Janus

"The Temple of Janus is represented as closed." — Anthon, 1891