A bird about 12 inches long, with a pointed crest somewhat like a cockatoo's. Long exserted midle tail feathers, and dark plumage with white wing coverts, yellow crest, and orange auriculars.


A bird about 12 inches long, with a pointed crest somewhat like a cockatoo's. Long exserted midle tail…

A cockatoo


A cockatoo

Noted for its enormous bill, the black cockatoo is native to New Guinea.

Black cockatoo

Noted for its enormous bill, the black cockatoo is native to New Guinea.

"Cacatuo leadbeateri, Leadbeater's Cockatoo, has a red crest banded with yellow and tipped with white, and rosy tinge on the head and lower surface." A. H. Evans, 1900

Leadbeater's Cockatoo Sitting on a Tree Branch

"Cacatuo leadbeateri, Leadbeater's Cockatoo, has a red crest banded with yellow and tipped with white,…

The white-crested cockatoo possess a distinctive crest of feathers it can raise or lower at will.

White-crested cockatoo

The white-crested cockatoo possess a distinctive crest of feathers it can raise or lower at will.

The yellow-crested cockatoo is from the order of true parrots and is known for its white feathers and yellow crest.

Yellow-Crested Cockatoo

The yellow-crested cockatoo is from the order of true parrots and is known for its white feathers and…

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what they hear. (Figuier, 1869).


Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…

A large number of parrots and cockatoos roosting in the jungle.

Parrots and Cockatoos

A large number of parrots and cockatoos roosting in the jungle.