The Byzantine circular panel is a 6th century design found in Hagia Sophia of the former imperial Ottoman…
An illustration of the fortification around Constantinople and soldiers firing cannons.
In the streets of Constantinople one might find lemonade sands, sweetmeats, coffee, and pipes and at…
Cross section of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (historically Constantinople). The Greek name Hagia Sophia…
"Dome-System of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. The Byzantine style of this first period…
"Exterior of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. Although the impression conveyed by this church…
"Interior of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. Besides the Narthex, there was a second vestibule:…
"Section of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. The Byzantine style of this first period reached…
The Byzantine interlacement band consists of wavy arcs and curves that have an angular bend. This design…
"Semi-dome, exterior. Apse of Suleimanié Mosque, Constantinople (A.D. 1550)." -Whitney, 1911
"Semi-dome, interior. Apse of Suleimanié Mosque, Constantinople (A.D. 1550)." -Whitney, 1911