"Crankcase showing bearings. The heart of the automobile is the engine. It is built around the crankcase, which is its foundation or base." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 01: Crankcase

"Crankcase showing bearings. The heart of the automobile is the engine. It is built around the crankcase,…

"Crankcase with crank-shaft and fly-wheel added. The crankshaft serves the same purpose in an automobile as the pedals do on a bicycle. The fly-wheel on the end helps it to keep turning at an even speed." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 02: Crank-Shaft and Fly-Wheel

"Crankcase with crank-shaft and fly-wheel added. The crankshaft serves the same purpose in an automobile…

"Cylinders showing piston in place and connected to crankshaft. Gasoline vapor is exploded in the cylinders. This pushes the piston down, and as the piston is connected to the crankshaft it starts the crankshaft turning. The piston and the rod that connect it to the crankshaft are just like the feet and limbs of any one riding a bicycle." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 03: Cylinders Showing Piston and Crankshaft

"Cylinders showing piston in place and connected to crankshaft. Gasoline vapor is exploded in the cylinders.…

"The gears or 'cogwheels' are for running the fan, the pump and other parts." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 04: Cogwheels

"The gears or 'cogwheels' are for running the fan, the pump and other parts." -Bodmer, 1917

"Cylinder added to crankcase. The cylinders are next bolted down to the crankcase, the pistons and crankshaft having been connected. A cover is placed over the gears to keep them clean." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 05: Cylinder Added to Crankcase

"Cylinder added to crankcase. The cylinders are next bolted down to the crankcase, the pistons and crankshaft…

"An oil pan or reservoir is attached to the bottom of the crankcase to hold oil for the engine." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 06: Reservoir Added

"An oil pan or reservoir is attached to the bottom of the crankcase to hold oil for the engine." -Bodmer,…

"The carburetor furnishes the gasoline vapor for the cylinders. It is connected to the engine by a crooked pipe called the intake manifold. After the gasoline has been exploded a valve opens and allows the burned gases to escape through another pipe, called the exhaust manifold." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 07: Carburetor

"The carburetor furnishes the gasoline vapor for the cylinders. It is connected to the engine by a crooked…

"Oil pump and filler added to motor. Oil is poured in the spout which is at the left of the carburetor. It runs down into the reservoir and is pumped up through the engine a little at a time." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 08: Oil Pump and Filler

"Oil pump and filler added to motor. Oil is poured in the spout which is at the left of the carburetor.…