Types of the Lower Crustacea. 1, Balanus; 2, Cytherea lutea; 3, Dapania pulex; 4, Lepus anatifera; 5, Artemia salina; 6, Nebalia bipes; 7, Apocudes speciosus; 8, Orchestia selkirki; 9, Gribble; 10, Woodlouse; 11, Cyclaspis pusilla; 12, Squilla nautis; 13, Mysis relicta; 14, Hermit crab.  1, 4, 12 and 14 reduced to one-half; 2, 3 and 5 are magnified.


Types of the Lower Crustacea. 1, Balanus; 2, Cytherea lutea; 3, Dapania pulex; 4, Lepus anatifera; 5,…

Copepoda, an order of crustaceans. e, Calligus Mulleri, or horseshoe crab.


Copepoda, an order of crustaceans. e, Calligus Mulleri, or horseshoe crab.