Tools used to make ditches.

Ditching Tools

Tools used to make ditches.

"A bundle of rods or small sticks of wood bound at both ends and in the middle, used in fortification, raising batteries, filling ditches, strengthening ramparts, and making parapets." -Whitney, 1911


"A bundle of rods or small sticks of wood bound at both ends and in the middle, used in fortification,…

One way to spread water over a hillside field, "f m is the main ditch and the slope of the hill as shown by the arrows; t o, r p, and s q are small ditches or plow furrows cut on a level line around the face of the hill. The water is let into the field by the short ditch at i, and is then spread over the space b c t o by means of a marginal ditch y z, from which it is made to flow in small streams and in a regular manner over the space between it and the lower ditch t o." -Department of Agriculture

Irrigation by Furrows

One way to spread water over a hillside field, "f m is the main ditch and the slope of the hill as shown…