Dytiscus Harminieri, a genus of predatory, diving beetles that usually live in wetlands and ponds.
Dytiscus Harminieri, a genus of predatory, diving beetles that usually live in wetlands and ponds.
"The large iron vessel does not allow air to escape once it is lowered into a body of water for underwater…
"Diving Apparatuses are contrivances by means of which divers are enabled to remain a considerable time…
"The diving dress envelops the whole body of the diver, the upper portion a being the "helmet," the…
A standard diving dress consists of a metallic (copper, brass or bronze) diving helmet, an airline or…
A front view of a diving helmet. A, Helmet; B, Breastplate; F, Emergency cock; G, Glasses in frame;…
An illustration of a submarine electric lamp without reflector. A, Metal case containing electrical…
"The Little Penguin, adapted exclusively for swimming and diving. In this quaint bird the wing forms…
A scene illustrating a young boy jumping off of a diving board into a river. In the distance there is…
"A duck, Fuligula or Fulix marila and related species. The common scaup inhabits Europe, Asia, and North…
"The first sensation in descending under water in a suit of armor is the sudden, bursting roar in the…
"Another remarkable member of the Araneidae is the Diving Spider, Argyroneta aquatica, which…