In the days of Doublet and Hose.


In the days of Doublet and Hose.

Doublets from varying eras.


Doublets from varying eras.

"A close, tight-fitting garment, the skirts reaching a little below the girdle, as in the accompanying cut, from Fairholt's Costume in England. It was almost identical with the jerkin. The sleeves were sometimes separate, and tied on at the arm." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A close, tight-fitting garment, the skirts reaching a little below the girdle, as in the accompanying…

This 1525 Silhouette of man is a black outline that shows the fashion of men during that period. The man is wearing a doublet which is a snug-fitting button jacket, stockings, and a hat.

1525 Silhouette of Man

This 1525 Silhouette of man is a black outline that shows the fashion of men during that period. The…