Also known as Chamaecyparis thyoides. Native to the eastern part of the United States.

Branch of Atlantic White Cypress

Also known as Chamaecyparis thyoides. Native to the eastern part of the United States.

The four cardinal directions or cardinal points are north, south, east, and west.

Cardinal Directions

The four cardinal directions or cardinal points are north, south, east, and west.

Diagram of points on a compass.

Compass Points

Diagram of points on a compass.

"Cardinal Direction auxiliary signs carrying the legend NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, or WEST should be used to indicate the general direction of the entire route. To improve the readability, the first letter of the cardinal direction words shall be ten percent larger, rounded up to the nearest whole number size." -Federal Highway Administration, 2007

East, Black and White

"Cardinal Direction auxiliary signs carrying the legend NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, or WEST should be used to…

Also known as Juniperus virginiana. Native throughout the United States.

Branch of Eastern Red Juniper

Also known as Juniperus virginiana. Native throughout the United States.

"We have an example of resultant motion in a boat which a person attempts to row north across a river, while the tide carries it to the east. Each force produces the same effect as if acted alone; and the boatman, when he has crossed the river, will find himself neither due north nor due east of the point from which he started, but northeast of it." —Quackenbos 1859

Resultant Motion with Boat

"We have an example of resultant motion in a boat which a person attempts to row north across a river,…

Trousers as worn in the east.


Trousers as worn in the east.

"...with the uniting wire on the east side." -Comstock 1850

Wire on the East Side of the Uniting Wire

"...with the uniting wire on the east side." -Comstock 1850