"If an electromagnet be subsituted for the steel magnet as shown...and the terminals of its coils connected with the brushs as shown each magnet will generate a current in the coils of the other magnet." -Atkinson 1903


"If an electromagnet be subsituted for the steel magnet as shown...and the terminals of its coils connected…

"The galvanometer is an instrument for determining the strength of an electric current by means of the deflection of a magnetic needle around which the current flows. When a galvanoscope is provided with a scale so that the deflections of its needle may be measured, it becomes a galvanometer." — Avery, 1895

Astatic galvanometer

"The galvanometer is an instrument for determining the strength of an electric current by means of the…

"Diagram of battery and coil connections for jump spark iginition as applied to a motor cycle." — Hawkins, 1917

Jump start ignition

"Diagram of battery and coil connections for jump spark iginition as applied to a motor cycle." —…

"The tin-foil strips or carriers on the rear plate of a Wimhurst machine are represented by the outer row of strips; those on the fornt plate, by the inner row. The diagonal conductor that faces the rear plate is represented by cs; the one that faces the front plate, by ab." -Avery 1895

Design of the Wimhurst Machine

"The tin-foil strips or carriers on the rear plate of a Wimhurst machine are represented by the outer…