"Dissected fish. a, air bladder; b, urinary bladder; b, urinary bladder; br, brain; c, spinal cord;…
"Section of Ampioxus, fr, fin ray; ct, connective tissue; nc, notochord, ; snc, supraneural…
"Side view of Amphioxus: fs, fin supports; nc, notochord; ot, oral tentacles."—Finley,…
"Mullus barbatus (Red Mullet), with thoracic ventral fins." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
A rudder supported on a skeg or projection from the keel, about one third of its surface being forward…
"Saurus undosquamis, a Malacoptorgian with anterior soft dorsal and additional adipose fin." —…
Pristis pectinatus. "1. An elasmobranchiate or selachian fish of the family Pristidae, having the snout…
Pristis pectinatus. "1. An elasmobranchiate or selachian fish of the family Pristidae, having the snout…
"The seal, adapted principally for water. The extremities are larger than in the porpoise and manatee."—Pettigrew,…
Liparis lineata. A fish of the genus Liparis; so called from their soft unctuous feel, and their habit…
"A fin-spine; one of the unjointed and unbranched sharp bony rays of the fins, such as those the presence…
"Pectoral girdle and fin of a Teleost. br.o., branchial ossicles; c, coracoid; cl., clavicle; f.r.,…