Pictured are flowers of the orders acanthaceae, myoporaceae, phrymaceae, and plantaginaceae. The flowers…
The orders of aceraceae, hippocastanaceae, and sapindaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated…
The orders pictured are aquifoliaceae, celastraceae, stackhousiaceae, and staphyleaceae. The flowers…
Pictured are flowers of the orders araliaceae and umbelliferae. The flowers of these orders that are…
Pictured are flowers of the orders asclepiadaceae, convolvulaceae, polemoniaceae, and hydrophyllaceae.…
The orders pictured are balsaminaceae, rhamnaceae, vitaceae, and tiliaceae. The flowers of these orders…
Pictured are flowers of the order boraginaceae, verbenaceae, labiatae, and nolanaceae. The flowers of…
Represented are the orders of caricaceae, loasaceae, begoniaceae, and cactaceae. The flowers of these…
Flowers of the orders of cistaceae, bixaceae, violaceae, and passifloraceae are pictured. These flowers…
Pictured are the orders of clethraceae, pyrolaceae, and ericaceae. The flowers of these orders that…
"Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a flower (bisporangiate cone), cut longitudinally;…
Pictured are flowers of the orders diapensiaceae, primulaceae, and plumbaginaceae. The flowers of these…
Pictured are flowers of the orders dipsacaceae, cucurbitaceae, and campanulaceae. The flowers illustrated…
The orders pictured are empetraceae, coriariaceae, anacaridaceae, and cyrillaceae. The flowers of these…
The orders of hypericacea, guttiferae, and tamaricaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that…
Pictured are the orders of Lecythidaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Combretaceae, Myrtaceae, and Melastomaceae.…
The orders pictured are malvaceae, bombacaceae, and dilleniaceae. The flowers of these orders that are…
Pictured are flowers of the orders martyniaceae, gesneriaceae, lentibulariaceae, and globulariaceae.…
Pictured are flowers from the order of ochnaceae. The flowers pictured are (1) ochna, (2) gordonia,…
Pictured are the flowers and fruits of the orders oleaceae, loganiaceae, gentianaceae, and apocynaceae.…
Pictured are flowers from the orders onagraceae and haloragidaceae. The flowers of these orders that…
Pictured are flowers of the orders rubiaceae and valerianaceae. The flowers pictured are (1) galium,…
Pictured are flowers of the orders sapotaceae, ebenaceae, styracaceae, and symplocaceae. The flowers…
Pictured are flowers of the orders solanaceae, scrophulariaceae, bignoiaceae, and pedaliaceae. The flowers…
Pictured are the orders of thymelaeaceae, elaeagnaceae, lythraceae, and punicaceae. The flowers of these…
The orders pictured are tremandraceae, polygalaceae, and euphorbiaceae. The flowers of these orders…