The flowers of the calodendron capensis tree are flesh colored. The tree grows forty feet tall. This…
The common name of caltha is marsh marigold. The flowers are golden colored. The flower blooms in spring.
Calycanthus levigatus is a variety of allspice. The flowers are a lurid purple. The shrub is between…
The common name of this flower is Bearbind. The flowers a flesh toned bright rose. The flowers bloom…
The common name of camassia esculenta is Camash or Quamash. The flowers vary between blue and white.…
The common name of camellia japonica is common camellia. The flowers come in various colors. The shrub…
Nearly all the stamens of this variety of common camellia appear as petals. The flower resembles the…
The flowers of camellia oleifera are white, numerous, and fragrant. The flowers grow alone on the stem.…
The balsam flower is native to India. Camellia-flowered balsam blooms at the end of July.
The flowers of campanula carpathica are blue and bloom June to August. The stems are leafy and branched.
The flowers of campanula carpathica pelviformis are fragrant and lilac colored. The flowers grow between…
Campanula carpathica turbinata flowers are a deep purple and two inches across. The flowers grow between…
Campanula glomerata are a double flowered variety. The flowers are bluish-violet or white. The flowers…
Campanula laciniata flowers are long-stalked and grow in loose clusters. The stem is somewhat hairy.…
Campanula langsdorffiana flowers are blue and grow either alone on the stem or in few flowered clusters.…
Campanula macrostyla flowers are a dull purple with violet colored veins. The stalks are stout and hairy…
The common name of campanula medium is Canterbury Bells. The flowers are blue, purple, and white. The…
Campanula puncata flowers are whitish spotted with red on the inner surface. The stem is simple and…
The common name of campanula pyramidalis is chimney bell-flower. There are numerous flowers, pale blue…
Chimney Bell-Flower is the common name of campanula pyramidalis. The flowers are pale blue or white…
Campanula rapunculus flowers are bluish-violet and funnel shaped. The flowers droop and grow alone on…
The common name of campanula rotundifolia is blue-bell or hare-bell. The flowers of the soldanellaeflora…
Campanula sarmatica has drooping flowers. The flowers are pale blue with a velvety outside. The plant…
Campanula thyrsoidea flowers are yellow with a greenish tint. The stem is simple and is covered with…
Campanula waldsteiniana has three or four flowers at the top of each stem. The flowers are a violet…
Campanulas flowers are blue or white. The varieties picture are lactiflora, rotundifolia Hostii, carpathic…
Silene dioica or the red campion was once known as Lychnis diurna and is a member of the Caryophyllaceae…
Canbia candida flowers are a glossy white with six petals. The flowers grow alone on slim stems. The…
Flowers of candollea cuneiformis are yellow. The flowers bloom in July. This shrub is native to Australia.
Canistrum aurantiacum flowers are orange-yellow. The flowers grow in a cup shaped with orange-red bracts.…
The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The plant grows between three and six feet tall. This…
The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The flowers are large with light yellow and red divisions.…
Canna speciosa flowers are both yellow and red. The flowers have two petals. The lip of the flower is…
The common name of cannabis is hemp. Cannabis sativa flowers are greenish in color and grow on long…
"This is a genus worthy of cultivation in all collections, as its lively flowers are produced in great…
Cantua buxifolia flowers are funnel shaped and have a pale red color. The shrub grows to be four feet…
Streptocarpus rexii is known as the Cape Primrose and is not actually a primrose but in the Gesneriaceae…
The common name of capparis spinosa is the common caper. The flowers are white, tinged with red on the…
"Capsicum, a genus of annual, sub-shrubby plants, with a wheel-shaped corolla, projecting and converging…
An illustration of: A, Inflorescence and cauline leaves; B, Radical leaves and root. Cardamine (Car-dá-mi-ne,…
Cardinal flower is the common name of lobelia cardinalis. The flowers are scarlet. The flowers bloom…
Cardinal flower is the common name of lobelia cardinalis. The flowers are scarlet. The leaves are oblong…
Represented are the orders of caricaceae, loasaceae, begoniaceae, and cactaceae. The flowers of these…
"If in Fig. 132, a, a, a, a, a, represent five stamens, and b, b, as many carpels, it will be observed…
"When the carpels consist of several whorls on the same plane, the individuals of contiguous whorls…
An illustration of the inflorescence of the carrot plant. An inflorescence is a group or cluster of…
"Casearia grandiflora. 1. part of a calyx split open; 2. the pistil half grown; 3. section across the…