A plant with divided fronds, which are rounded and convex. They are generally between 2 and 3 feet in…
A four-eared fern with fronds ranging between 6 inches and 3 feet in length. They are commonly found…
A stout plant with grey scales. The fronds range between 1 and 2 feet, and approximately 1 foot in width.…
"Fucus platycarpus...3. jointed branching hairs detached from the sides of the conceptacle and bearing…
A fern with fronds between 12 inches and 20 inches in length, with the width ranging between 4 inches…
"Part of Epiphyllospermous Frond. In botany, bearing the fruit or spores on the back of the leaves or…
A younger version of Polypodium tenellum. It is woody and wide-creeping when young.
"Fucus vesiculosus: showing the receptacles of the fructification a, a, at the ends of the branching…
The barren fronds of this plant are very large and convex, whereas the fertile fronds range between…
A large-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. It is commonly found in tropical America.
This fern has broader, oblong fronds in comparison to the Polypodium lingua, whose fronds are between…
A slender-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. The fronds can reach between 9 inches and 12 inches…
The fronds of the nephrolepis davallioides fern are drooping and two to three feet long. This fern is…
Pictured are the habit and a portion of the detached frond of nephrolepis duffii. The fronds are tufted…
An illustration of section through a pinnule of the frond and sorus of Aspidium: b, mesophyll; sch,…
Nothochlaena fronds are one to two feet long and one to two inches broad.
The fronds of nothochlaena trichomanoides are six to twelve inches long and about to one and a half…
A stout fern with brown scales. Fronds range between 1 foot and 3 feet in length, and 1 inch in width.
A wide-creeping fern with squarrose scales. Fertile fronds are narrow and long, whereas the barren ones…
"Grinnellia Americana. a, structure of the leaf; b, vertical section of a conceptacle, showing the chains…
"Cycas circinalis; 1. a portion of a female frond; 2. section of the naked ovule; 3. ripe fruit; 4.…
A wide-creeping fern with long reddish-brown fronds, which grow to be approximately 1 foot in length.…
A bright brown fern with fronds reaching between 1 foot and 1.5 feet. They are commonly found in the…
A slender-fronded fern with pinnae that are narrower than those of a regular Pteris serrulata, and has…
A trembling fern with fronds ranging between 2 feet and 4 feet in length, and 6 inches and 2 feet in…