An auger is a device for moving material or liquid (see Archimedes' screw) by means of a rotating helical flighting. The material is moved along the axis of rotation. For some uses the helical 'flighting' is enclosed in a tube, for other uses the flighting is not encased. An integral part of a drill, the auger of the drill bit, uses this mechanism to remove shavings from the hole being drilled.


An auger is a device for moving material or liquid (see Archimedes' screw) by means of a rotating helical…

A brace or brace and bit is a hand tool used to drill holes, usually in wood. Pressure is applied to the top and the tool is rotated with a U-shaped grip. The U-shaped part is a kind of crankshaft. It gives the brace much greater torque than other kinds of hand drill; a brace can be used to drill much wider, and deeper, holes than can a gear-driven hand drill.

Brace and Bits

A brace or brace and bit is a hand tool used to drill holes, usually in wood. Pressure is applied to…

A small instrument for boring holes by turning it with the hand.


A small instrument for boring holes by turning it with the hand.

"The Gimlet." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The Gimlet." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"The Gimlet." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The Gimlet." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893