"Portions of the rotting pulp were placed on a microscopic slide, divided into hundredths and thousandths…
Illustration of a fungus named Atrotogus hydnosporus. "Considered by Berkeley and others to be probably…
This illustration "represents its mycelium growth; 2,2 its budding cells, which terminate in fruit cells;…
"Showing the Effect of Variations in Temperature on Bacteria Growth. a, a single bacterium; b, its progeny…
"Under the power of about 90 diameters the general character of the peridia is seen. They are densely…
Illustrations depicting a black knot of a plum. "1...represents the general appearance of the black-knot…
"In answer to a communication of mine, Professor C. H. Peck, botanist, of Albany new York, informs me…
"It is not unusual to fine a decayed spot in the center of potatoes otherwise apparently in good condition.…
Illustration of a potato infested with Peronospora infestans also known as 'potato-rot' observed from…
A perennial, herbaceous flowering plant native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia, Canada southward…