"This tribe, which includes the various kinds of Ants, is composed entirely of insects which live in…
"Bee is the common name given to a large family of hymenopterous or membranous-winged insects, of which…
Honey bees (or honeybees) are a subset of bees, primarily distinguished by the production and storage…
"Bee is the common name given to a large family of hymenopterous or membranous-winged insects, of which…
"Bee is the common name given to a large family of hymenopterous or membranous-winged insects, of which…
""The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen.…
"Simple form of the Bee-hive, With cap removed to show glass top." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875
"The secretion of wax, it would appear, goes on best when the bees are in a state of repose, and the…
"The hexagonal cells for the honey are build upon precisely that mathematical angle which affords the…
"The elevation of the dome, which is all built from the interior, is from four to six inches above the…
"The comb is made of wax, found in various plants, but which is also secreted by the bees themselves…
"The Hornets resemble the Wasps in their habits, but but they are noted for their spitefulness and the…
"Hruschka's extractor, first brough to public notice in 1865, may be said to have revolutionized the…
"The Humble-bees, or as they are often called in this country, the Bumble-bees are…
"The typical hive of America is the improved Langstroth, which has no other covering for the frame tops…
"Bee is the common name given to a large family of hymenopterous or membranous-winged insects, of which…
"A hive largely and successfully used in Scotland, it is octagonal, and the "Quinby hive" of America…