American one-horse, four-wheeled cart.


American one-horse, four-wheeled cart.

A harness for a horse-drawn carriage, with pieces labeled.


A harness for a horse-drawn carriage, with pieces labeled.

A boy and girl riding in a horse-drawn carriage.

Horse and Carriage

A boy and girl riding in a horse-drawn carriage.

"Side-delivery rake, a horse-rake in which the rake is suspended between the axle of the pair of wheels and a third or caster-wheel trailing at the end of the rake, and placed in a position diagonal to the direction in which the machine moves. By means of suitable mechanism, operated through gearing on the axle, the hay, as fast as it is gathered, is delivered at the side of the rake and deposited on the ground in the form of a windrow." -Whitney, 1911

Side Delivery Rake

"Side-delivery rake, a horse-rake in which the rake is suspended between the axle of the pair of wheels…

"Modes of travel in the West. An old stage-coach and prairie schooner." -Gordy, 1916

Stagecoach and Prairie Schooner

"Modes of travel in the West. An old stage-coach and prairie schooner." -Gordy, 1916

An elephant chasing and attacking a horse-drawn carriage.

Elephant and Carriage

An elephant chasing and attacking a horse-drawn carriage.