The red ants, here a winged male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the year.
The red ants, here a wingless neutered male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the…
"This tribe, which includes the various kinds of Ants, is composed entirely of insects which live in…
"A, B, C, tunnelings of the carpenter bee; E, the carpenter bee; D, a partition; F, teeth, magnified"…
"The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen.…
"They are said to have originated in Greece, but have since spread all over the world; they live in…
"The Mason Bee, Osmia, of which there are many kinds, makes its cells in spaces from which…
"The queen bee is larger and longer than the other bees; she moves in a slow and majestic manner, and…
""The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen.…
"The secretion of wax, it would appear, goes on best when the bees are in a state of repose, and the…
"The hexagonal cells for the honey are build upon precisely that mathematical angle which affords the…
"The elevation of the dome, which is all built from the interior, is from four to six inches above the…
"A South American genus, Pelopaeus, allied to the preceeding, is called the Dauber, from its…
"The comb is made of wax, found in various plants, but which is also secreted by the bees themselves…
"The Hornets resemble the Wasps in their habits, but but they are noted for their spitefulness and the…
The insects of the Ichneumon family have long,slender bodies, long ovipositors and long antennae.
"The ichineumons, with long ovipositors, as the European species, Ichneumon manifestator, seek…
"Gonatopus contortulus. A genus of ichneumon-flies of the family Proctotrupidae and subfamily Dryininae,…
"On the continent of Europe the Sirex gigas often appears in immense numbers, and does great…
The American Sawfly (Cimbex Americana) is an insect with an ovipositor resembling a saw blade.
The Larch Sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii) is an insect resembling a black wasp in the Tenthredinidae…
"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural…
The cocoon of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
The larva of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…
The pupa of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…
The female adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
The male adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
Embolimus americanus is a species of wasp belonging to the Proctotrupoidea superfamily of various wasps.
The dorsal view of the Ensign Wasp (Evania laevigata), an insect in the Evaniidae family.
Wasps are in the Order Hymenoptera. They are carnivorous and only the female stings to paralyze its…