There are approximately 2500 species of ants.


There are approximately 2500 species of ants.

Some ants are poisonous.


Some ants are poisonous.

The red ants, here a winged male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the year.

Red Ant

The red ants, here a winged male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the year.

The red ants, here a wingless neutered male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the year.

Red Ant

The red ants, here a wingless neutered male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the…

"This tribe, which includes the various kinds of Ants, is composed entirely of insects which live in communities, consisting of three distinct types of individuals, males, females, and neuters." — Goodrich, 1859

Ants and Their Structures

"This tribe, which includes the various kinds of Ants, is composed entirely of insects which live in…

Bees form colonies in hives. There are different bees for different tasks.


Bees form colonies in hives. There are different bees for different tasks.

"A, B, C, tunnelings of the carpenter bee; E, the carpenter bee; D, a partition; F, teeth, magnified" — Goodrich, 1859

Carpenter Bee

"A, B, C, tunnelings of the carpenter bee; E, the carpenter bee; D, a partition; F, teeth, magnified"…

"The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen. This dust attaches itself to the brush-like hairs covering the body of the bee, when, by rubbing itself with the brushes with which the tarsi are furnished, the insect collects it into little parcels, which it places on small palettes, hollowed out on the surface of its hund limbs." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Drone Bee

"The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen.…

The honey-bee is of European origin, and has long been domesticated.

Honey Bee

The honey-bee is of European origin, and has long been domesticated.

The antenna of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The antenna of the honey-bee.

The mandible of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The mandible of the honey-bee.

The head of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The head of the honey-bee.

The prothorax of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The prothorax of the honey-bee.

The tongue of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The tongue of the honey-bee.

The mesothorax of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The mesothorax of the honey-bee.

The metathorax of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The metathorax of the honey-bee.

The abdomen of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The abdomen of the honey-bee.

The larva of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The larva of the honey-bee.

The pupa of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The pupa of the honey-bee.

The pupa of the honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The pupa of the honey-bee.

The worker or infertile female honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The worker or infertile female honey-bee.

The queen or fertile female honey-bee.

Honey Bee

The queen or fertile female honey-bee.

The cells of a bee hive. Note the large, irregular cells are queen cells.

Honey Bee

The cells of a bee hive. Note the large, irregular cells are queen cells.

"They are said to have originated in Greece, but have since spread all over the world; they live in colonies composed of from ten to thirty thousand neuter or <em>Working Bees</em>, of from six to eight hundred males called <em>Drones</em>, and of a single female, which seems to reign as <em>Queen</em>." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Honey Bee

"They are said to have originated in Greece, but have since spread all over the world; they live in…

"The Mason Bee, <em>Osmia</em>, of which there are many kinds, makes its cells in spaces from which it finds in timber or walls of brick or stone." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Mason Bee

"The Mason Bee, Osmia, of which there are many kinds, makes its cells in spaces from which…

"The queen bee is larger and longer than the other bees; she moves in a slow and majestic manner, and is always accompanied by a guard of twelve workers, an office taken in turn, and never intermitted." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Queen Bee

"The queen bee is larger and longer than the other bees; she moves in a slow and majestic manner, and…

""The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen. This dust attaches itself to the brush-like hairs covering the body of the bee, when, by rubbing itself with the brushes with which the tarsi are furnished, the insect collects it into little parcels, which it places on small palettes, hollowed out on the surface of its hund limbs." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Working Bees

""The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen.…

"The secretion of wax, it would appear, goes on best when the bees are in a state of repose, and the wax-workers accordingly suspend themselves in the interioir of the hive in an extended cluster like a curtain, which is composed of a series of intertwined festoons or garlands crossing each other in all directions - the uppermost bee maintaining its position by laying hold of the roof by its fore-legs, and the suceeding one by laying hold of the hind-legs of the first, and so on." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Bees Secreting Wax

"The secretion of wax, it would appear, goes on best when the bees are in a state of repose, and the…

"The hexagonal cells for the honey are build upon precisely that mathematical angle which affords the greatest amount of strength with the least waste of material." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Cells of Honey Bees

"The hexagonal cells for the honey are build upon precisely that mathematical angle which affords the…

"The elevation of the dome, which is all built from the interior, is from four to six inches above the level of the field. Beside the moss or grass, they frequently employ coarse wax from the ceiling of the vault, for the purpose of keeping out rain, and preventing high winds from destroying it." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Nest of the Carder Bee

"The elevation of the dome, which is all built from the interior, is from four to six inches above the…

"A South American genus, <em>Pelopaeus</em>, allied to the preceeding, is called the Dauber, from its singular habit of placing its nest of mud against the walls and ceiling in the interior of the houses." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"A South American genus, Pelopaeus, allied to the preceeding, is called the Dauber, from its…

"This term, from the latting <em>gala</em>, the oak-apple, and <em>colo</em>, to inhabit, is applied to a tribe of insects which are almost exclusively vegetable feeders, which includes the well-known Gall-Insect, <em>Cynips gallae tinctoriae</em>. The females of these punture the leaves, buds, and other parts of plants and trees, depositing an egg in the wound, accompanied probably by some irritiating fluid, which causes a diseased growth in the part, and thus produces the excrescences known as <em>galls</em>." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Gall Insects

"This term, from the latting gala, the oak-apple, and colo, to inhabit, is applied…

"The comb is made of wax, found in various plants, but which is also secreted by the bees themselves in organs situated under the abdominal base, and suspended perpendicularly by one of their sides. Empty spaces are left to permit of the bees reaching every part." &mdash Goodrich, 1859


"The comb is made of wax, found in various plants, but which is also secreted by the bees themselves…

"The Hornets resemble the Wasps in their habits, but but they are noted for their spitefulness and the acute pain inflicted by their stings. There are many species, some building a nest of paper-like materials, and attaching it to the limb of a tree, as is customary with certain European species." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Hornets and Nest

"The Hornets resemble the Wasps in their habits, but but they are noted for their spitefulness and the…

The insects of the Ichneumon family have long,slender bodies, long ovipositors and long antennae.


The insects of the Ichneumon family have long,slender bodies, long ovipositors and long antennae.

"The ichineumons, with long ovipositors, as the European species, <em>Ichneumon manifestator</em>, seek the burrows of the wood-boring insects, whose larva they are enabled to reach by means of this organ. Each species usually infests a particulat species of insect; and, singular as it may appear, many of these parasitic larvae are again preyed upon by others, whose parents are directed by an unerring instinct to the selection of the proper position for the nourishment of their arguement." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"The ichineumons, with long ovipositors, as the European species, Ichneumon manifestator, seek…

"Gonatopus contortulus. A genus of ichneumon-flies of the family Proctotrupidae and subfamily Dryininae, having raptorial fore tarsi and no wings." -Whitney, 1911

Ichneumon Fly

"Gonatopus contortulus. A genus of ichneumon-flies of the family Proctotrupidae and subfamily Dryininae,…

This gooseberry sawfly is a member of the large order, Hymenoptera.


This gooseberry sawfly is a member of the large order, Hymenoptera.

"On the continent of Europe the <em>Sirex gigas</em> often appears in immense numbers, and does great damage in this way." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"On the continent of Europe the Sirex gigas often appears in immense numbers, and does great…

The American Sawfly (Cimbex Americana) is an insect with an ovipositor resembling a saw blade.

American Sawfly

The American Sawfly (Cimbex Americana) is an insect with an ovipositor resembling a saw blade.

The Larch Sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii) is an insect resembling a black wasp in the Tenthredinidae family of sawflies.

Larch Sawfly

The Larch Sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii) is an insect resembling a black wasp in the Tenthredinidae…

"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural size); 3, fly, enlarged (wings on one side detached); 4, larva; 5, fly with wings closed; 6, larva curled up; 7, coccoon; 8, antenna; 9, egg. (4, 5, 6, and 7 natural size; 8 and 9 enlarged.)" -Whitney, 1911

Strawberry Sawfly

"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural…

"Hornets and wasps and their structures." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Structures of hornets and wasps

"Hornets and wasps and their structures." — Goodrich, 1859

The European Hornet (Vespa crabro) and the wasp (Vespa vulgaris).

Wasp and Hornet

The European Hornet (Vespa crabro) and the wasp (Vespa vulgaris).

The cocoon of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as hosts until they are eventually killed.

Parasite Wasp Cocoon

The cocoon of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…

The larva of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as hosts until they are eventually killed.

Parasite Wasp Larva

The larva of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…

The subterranean nest of the common wasp.

Wasp Nest

The subterranean nest of the common wasp.

The pupa of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as hosts until they are eventually killed.

Parasite Wasp Pupa

The pupa of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…

The female adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as hosts until they are eventually killed.

Female Adult Parasite Wasp

The female adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…

The male adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as hosts until they are eventually killed.

Male Adult Parasite Wasp

The male adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…

Elachertus cacoeciae is a species of Chalcid wasp of the Hymenoptera order.

Chalcid Wasp

Elachertus cacoeciae is a species of Chalcid wasp of the Hymenoptera order.

Chrysocharis imbrasus is an insect in the Chalcidoidea family of Chalcid wasps.

Chalcid Wasp

Chrysocharis imbrasus is an insect in the Chalcidoidea family of Chalcid wasps.

Embolimus americanus is a species of wasp belonging to the Proctotrupoidea superfamily of various wasps.

Embolimus Wasp

Embolimus americanus is a species of wasp belonging to the Proctotrupoidea superfamily of various wasps.

The dorsal view of the Ensign Wasp (Evania laevigata), an insect in the Evaniidae family.

Dorsal View of Ensign Wasp

The dorsal view of the Ensign Wasp (Evania laevigata), an insect in the Evaniidae family.

Wasps are in the Order Hymenoptera. They are carnivorous and only the female stings to paralyze its prey.

Mud Wasp

Wasps are in the Order Hymenoptera. They are carnivorous and only the female stings to paralyze its…

Elis quadrinotata is a species of wasp in the Scoliidae family.

Scoliid Wasp

Elis quadrinotata is a species of wasp in the Scoliidae family.